Goddesses in Everywoman

(avery) #1

“Renee,” 223
Rhea, 18, 107, 118, 119, 140, 149, 168, 177, 178; genealogy, 300
Rich, Adrienne, 37
Richards, M. C., xiii
Rilke, Rainer, 230
Rituals and worship, of Hestia, 108–109
Rosenthal, Robert, 231
Rossellini, Roberto, 239

Sand, George, as Aphrodite woman, 242
Sarton, May, 117
Saturn. See Cronos

The Scarlet Letter, 239
Schenley, 80
Schlafly, Phyllis, as Athena woman, 82, 90
Sea, God of. See Poseidon
Seasons of a Man’s Life, 229
Selene, 49
Semele, 19
Separation from men, as Artemis pattern of behavior, 38
Sexuality: Aphrodite woman, 224–225, 231–233, 238–241; Artemis woman,
60; Athena woman, 92–93; Demeter woman, 183–184; Hera woman,
153–154; Hestia woman, 122; Persephone woman, 211
Shakespeare, William, 219
Shaw, George Bernard, 231
She, 259
Shields, Brooke, 201
Singer, June, 10
Sirius the Dog Star, 48
Sister, Artemis woman as, 50–51, 59
Sky God. See Uranus
Snake: in dreams, 283–284; power of. reclaiming, 283–284
Solitude, finding Hestia in, 111, 117
Sophocles, 264
Spring, symbol of, Persephone as, 204
Stages of life, and goddess activation, 33–34. See also Early years;
Adolescence and early adulthood; Middle years; Later years
Steel, Danielle, 38
Steinem, Gloria, as Artemis woman, 50–51
Stereotypes, effects of, 4

Goddesses in Everywoman
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