Goddesses in Everywoman

(avery) #1

Stevens, Anthony, 13
Stieglitz, Alfred, 269
Stone, Merlin, 21
Strategist, Athena woman as, 79–81
Strife and Discord, Goddess of. See Eris

Sun, God of. See Apollo; Helios
The Sweetheart of the Silent Majority, 82
Symbionese Liberation Army, 8
Symbol of spring, Persephone as, 204
Synchronistic event, 291–292

The Tao of Psychology, 282
Tarnover, Dr. Herman, 146–147
Tartarus, 18, 19
Taylor, Elizabeth, as Aphrodite woman, 251
Temple hearthkeeper, Hestia woman as, 112
Teresa, Mother, 112, 174
Teresa of Avila, St., 112
Terme Museum, Rome, 284
Terwilliger, Elizabeth, as Artemis woman, 65—66
Theogony, 18
Therapist, Persephone woman as, 203–204, 222–223
Theseus, 237
Thetis, 263
Thomas, Lynn, 52
TIME magazine, 80
Titans, 18, 19, 140, 234
Tityus, 47, 50
Transcendent function, evoking, 289–293
Transformative goddess. See Alchemical goddess
Trojan War, 71, 77, 79, 103, 264, 270
Turner, Lana, 243
Turning inward, for Athena woman, 104–105
Twelve Olympians, 15
Typhaon, 141

Ulysses. See Odysseus
Underworld: God of, see Hades; Queen of, see Persephone
Unity and wholeness, as end of heroine’s journey, 294—295

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