Goddesses in Everywoman

(avery) #1
A Note on Gods in Everyman

The archetypes of both genders exist within each of us. While the
goddesses are most dominant in women, the gods are most dominant
in men. However, most women will find at least one of the male
archetypes active within them and recognize this as a missing piece
of the puzzle that completes their identity.
Gods in Everyman can take us beyond self-recognition to help wo-
men realize which archetypes are active within their fathers, lovers,
spouses, and sons. Like Goddesses in Everywoman, Gods in Everyman
describes the effects of stereotypes or expectations on men. Realizing
that some archetypes are favored over others by the dominant culture
will bring about a compassionate understanding of the social pres-
sures on men; this can only lead to a greater understanding of the
men in your life. Identifying the god and goddess archetypes at
work within each of us will help us tap their power and become
better heroes and heroines in our own life stories.

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