Goddesses in Everywoman

(avery) #1

In contrast, Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, joined men as an equal
or as a superior at what they did. She was the coolest head in battle
and the best strategist. Her adaptation was identification with
men—she became like one of them. Athena’s way has been taken
by many women who have joined the corporate world or who have
succeeded at traditionally male occupations.
Finally, Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth, followed an introverted
way of adapting by withdrawal from men. She withdrew inward,
became anonymous in appearance, and was left alone. The woman
who adopts this mode downplays her femininity so as not to attract
unwanted male interest, avoids competitive situations, and lives
quietly, as she values and tends the daily tasks or meditation that
give her life meaning.
The three virgin goddesses were unchanged by their experiences
with others. They were never overcome by their emotions, nor by
any other deities. They were invulnerable to suffering, untouched
by relationships, and impervious to change.
Similarly, the more focused on her own course a woman is, the
more likely she, too, will not be deeply affected by others. That focus
can cut her off from her own emotional and instinctual life, as well
as from bonding with others. Psychologically speaking, unless she
has been “penetrated,” no one has “gotten through to her.” No one
really matters, and she does not know what emotional intimacy is.
Thus, if a human woman identifies with a virgin goddess pattern,
she may lead a one-sided and often lonely life without any truly
“significant other.” However, although a goddess remains limited
to her role, a human woman can grow and change throughout her
life. Although she is innately similar to a virgin goddess, she may
also discover what Hera has to teach about committed relationships,
may feel the stirrings of maternal instinct and learn of Demeter, or
may fall in love and unexpectedly discover that Aphrodite is also a
part of her.


In describing Artemis, Athena, and Hestia as positive, active
feminine patterns, I am challenging assumptions tradi-

The Virgin Goddesses: Artemis, Athena, and Hestia
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