Goddesses in Everywoman

(avery) #1

An Artemis woman may resemble the goddess in maintaining
eternal chastity, her sexuality remaining undeveloped and unex-
pressed. In contemporary times, however, this pattern is rare. More
likely, by the time she is an adult an Artemis woman has acquired
sexual experience as part of her tendency to explore and try new
An Artemis woman’s sexuality may resemble that of a traditional
work-oriented man. For both, relationships are secondary. Involve-
ment in career, creative project, or cause is primary. Sex is, then, a
recreational sport or a physical experience—rather than a physical
expression of emotional intimacy and commitment (a motivation
that Hera provides) or an instinct deeply expressive of her own
sensual nature (for which Aphrodite is needed).
If she is a lesbian, an Artemis woman is usually part of a lesbian
community or network. Although both heterosexual and homosexual
Artemis women have intense and important relationships with
women friends, the lesbian Artemis woman may consider sexual
intimacy as another dimension of friendship—rather than as the
reason for the relationship.
The lesbian Artemis woman may either have a mirror-image lover,
an almost identical-twin relationship, or she may be attracted to a
nymphlike, softer, more “feminine” person than herself, with a less
distinct personality. She, like her heterosexual equivalent, avoids
relationships in which she is contained or dominated by a “parental”
partner or in which she herself is expected to play the parent role.

Marriage is often far from an Artemis woman’s mind in the early
adult years, when she is engrossed in work or causes. Besides, “set-
tling down” holds no great attraction for an on-the-move Artemis.
If she is attractive and popular, chances are that she has played the
field, comfortably going out with a variety of men—not just one
alone. She may have even lived with a man in preference to marrying
him. She may stay unmarried.

Goddesses in Everywoman
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