Goddesses in Everywoman

(avery) #1

have any other goddess aspects in her life. Artemis is a pattern that
is very compatible with a goal-oriented young woman who single-
mindedly pursues her self-chosen goal. But in her middle years a
shift may occur. Now there are fewer “uncharted wildernesses” for
her to explore. She has either succeeded in achieving her targeted
goals, reached a plateau, or failed.
The midlife of an Artemis woman may also usher in a more reflect-
ive time as she turns inward, more influenced by Artemis as Goddess
of the Moon than by Artemis as the Goddess of the Hunt. Menopaus-
al fantasies and dreams may stimulate an extroverted Artemis wo-
man to journey inward. On the journey, she confronts “ghosts” from
her past, often discovering long-ignored feelings or yearnings. This
menopausal impetus toward introversion is related to Hecate, the
old crone who was the goddess of the dark moon, ghosts, and the
uncanny. Hecate and Artemis were both moon goddesses who
roamed on Earth. The connection of the two goddesses is seen in
older Artemis women who venture into psychic, psychological, or
spiritual realms, with the same sense of exploration they had as
younger women in other pursuits.

It is not unusual for a woman to have her Artemis qualities persist
into old age. Her youthful activeness never ceases. She doesn’t settle
down; her mind or body—often both—is on the move. She is a
traveler exploring new projects or foreign countries. She retains an
affinity for the young and an ability to think young, which keeps
her from feeling “middle aged” when she is in her middle years, or
“old” when she is in her later years.
Two locally known Northern California women personify this
aspect of Artemis. One, the naturalist-teacher Elizabeth Terwilliger,
now in her seventies, leads bands of schoolchildren into meadows,
woods, streams, and mountains. She excitedly spies a rare mushroom
half hidden near the roots of a tree, holds up a pretty snake, points
to the edible plants on the hillside, and passes the miners’ lettuce
around to taste. All the while, she is sharing her enthusiasm, turning
on successive

Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, Competitor and Sister
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