Goddesses in Everywoman

(avery) #1

mermaid: half of her is a beautiful woman, half of her is cold and
inhuman. Jungian analyst Esther Harding made some observations
about this aspect of a virgin goddess woman: “The coldness of the
moon and the heartlessness of the Moon Goddess symbolize this
aspect of feminine nature. In spite of its lack of warmth and its cal-
lousness, partly perhaps because of its very indifference, this imper-
sonal eroticism in a woman often appeals to a man.”^8
And an Artemis woman can be cruel to a man who loves her, once
she no longer is interested in him. She may rebuff him and treat him
as an unwanted intruder.

The goddess Artemis had a destructive aspect that was symbolized
by the wild boar, one of the animals sacred to her. In mythology she
unleashed the destructive Calydon Boar on the countryside when
she was offended.
As described in Bullfinch’s Mythology, “The boar’s...eyes shone
with blood and fire, its bristles stood like threatening spears, its tusks
were like those of Indian elephants. The growing corn was trampled,
the vines and olive trees laid waste, the flocks and herds were driven
in wild confusion by the slaughtering foe.”^9 This is a vivid picture
of rampaging destruction, a metaphor for an Artemis woman on the
The rage of Artemis is surpassed only by that of Hera. Yet although
the intensity of feeling of both goddesses appears similar, the direc-
tion of the anger and the provocation differ. A Hera woman rages
at “the other woman.” An Artemis woman is more likely angry at
a man or men in general for depreciating her or for failing to treat
with respect something she values.
For example, consciousness raising in the 1970s women’s move-
ment usually led to constructive changes. But as many Artemis
women became aware of society’s unfair limitations and demeaning
attitudes toward women in general, they reacted with intense hos-
tility that was often out of proportion to the particular provocation.
Prudent bystanders wisely got out of the way when a Calydon Boar
met a Male Chauvinist Pig in the early 1970s! Moreover, many wo-
men were also wounded

Goddesses in Everywoman
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