Android Advisor - 01.02.2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


The device has premium build, and while is not
exactly the same dimensions as either Huawei’s Mate
10 or Mate 10 Pro shares many of the traits of the two.
For a company trying to break into the UK
mainstream at the same time as its parent company
Huawei, this affordable high-end flagship makes
a decent case for itself so long as you’re looking
to buy a handset outright – Honor phones are not
always easily available from UK operators.

The View 10 looks like a lot of other premium phones
this year, sporting an 18:9 display. First seen on the LG
G6 and then the Samsung Galaxy S8, the form factor
keeps the View 10 slim and manageable in the hand
while adding some height to the screen.
This is the same aspect ratio as the Huawei Mate
10 Pro, yet there’s a front-placed fingerprint sensor
and headphone jack like on the Mate 10. Confused?
It means you get the better 18:9 display size with the
familiar fingerprint sensor and headphone jack. This
means the View 10 has an excellent mix of features
from both versions of Huawei’s recent flagship.
The front of the phone is visually similar to the
OnePlus 5T, though the View 10 has a more uniform,
straight edged feel to it and has a front facing
fingerprint sensor in a long pill shape not often seen.
The back of the phone is less exciting, with
iPhone-esque antenna lines at the top and bottom,
with a solitary Honor logo and dual rear cameras.
Squint, and the View 10 resembles an iPhone 7
Plus with a taller screen running Android.

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