Android Advisor - 01.02.2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


based on power needs. As a result, video recording
will utilize 30 percent less power. Thanks to the new
Adreno Foveation system, which uses eye-tracking to
determine which areas of the screen to fully render,
graphics-intensive games and apps won’t harpoon
your battery life, either.

  1. They’ll be smarter
    Last year, Huawei released the Mate 10 with a
    dedicated Neural Processing Unit, and the Snapdragon
    845 isn’t about to be outsmarted. The third generation
    of the neural processing engine will fully unleash
    Android phones’ machine learning and AI capabilities.
    Qualcomm says the 845 will support AI frameworks
    such as Google’s TensorFlowLite and Facebook’s
    Caffe2, as well as being optimized for newer networks.
    Using a new Hexagon Digital Signal Processor, the
    chip will be three times faster with AI performance,
    meaning phones will be more efficient and use less

The Snapdragon 845
will bring big changes
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