
(Nandana) #1

he Moon, the
brightest object in
the night sky, has a
naked-eye secret: its
limb. The illumi-
nated edge of the Moon’s vis-
ible surface has a remarkable
nature that’s easy to overlook.
What you experience, however,
depends on how carefully you
examine it.
Note: When I write, “illumi-
nated edge,” I’m not talking
about the bright side of the
terminator (the line dividing
day and night, where shadows
highlight the view). I’m refer-
ring to the rounded bright edge
of the Moon that’s not the ter-
minator. At Full Moon, the
illuminated edge goes all the
way around.
Padraig Houlahan of
Flagstaff, Arizona, recently
noticed one peculiarity:
“Regularly when I look at the
Full Moon, I see an effect that
I have not seen documented
anywhere, and I was wonder-
ing if you knew of it.”
Namely, Houlahan noticed
that the edge of the Full Moon
appears “disproportionately
washed out,” meaning it looks
“featureless and brighter” than
the rest of the disk. Houlahan
doubted the phenomenon is
due to contrast effects alone
— and he’s right.

It’s a wonder
Houlahan’s observation of
lunar limb brightening is
worthy of praise because little
naked-eye attention is given
to it during each lunar month,
and some books on the Moon
overlook it altogether. On top
of all that, what one sees along
the limb is not consistent.
If the Moon were a uniform
(smooth) sphere, its edge would

ref lect no sunlight toward
Earth, making the limb appear
dark to us. But the Moon has
great surface irregularities —
rocks, mountains, and other
topographical features — that
effectively scatter sunlight
toward our eyes at optical
wavelengths. (The lunar limb is
dark at radio wavelengths.)
Speaking generally, then, we

say that during the waxing and
waning phases, the Moon’s
circular edge has a bright limb
facing the Sun and a dark limb
shadowed from it.
A casual glance at the illu-
minated edge will show it
brighter than areas closer to
the Moon’s terminator. But if
you take time to study the
limb — running your gaze
along the edge and making


Lunar limb magic Explore often-overlooked features of the Moon’s edge.

mental notes — you will see
that the limb is irregularly
bright with darker segments.
What you see at any given
time depends on many factors,
including phase angle effects,
variations in the scattering of
sunlight, and lunar librations
— slight axial nods (in latitude)
and swivels (in longitude) that
swing features gently in and

out of view along the Moon’s
limb as our neighbor in space
orbits Earth.
It’s best to look for the limb
effects in twilight, when the
contrast between the Moon’s
edge and the sky is lowest. I
suggest starting with a young
waxing crescent because there
often are great variations along
that slender arc of illumination.
First compare the general

appearance of the limb to fea-
tures closer to the terminator.
Then go in for the detailed
study using direct vision.
Use the extra magnification
of binoculars if you need to
confirm any uncertain naked-
eye views. Sketch and record
what you see each night, and
compare these views during
another lunation, when the
librations are different.
Lunar highlands will create
the brightest effects, but even
these regions vary in surface
irregularities and extent. Look
also for contrast effects within
the highlands, especially
between craters of high reflec-
tivity (caused by blankets of
ejecta surrounding them) near
the limb.
And, as always, let me know
what you see or don’t see at
[email protected].




The lunar limb is bright, but with a watchful eye, a skilled
observer can make out subtle (and not so subtle) differences

Darkening the image to the left using software like Photoshop
reveals the lunar limb’s intensity variations more clearly.

Stephen James O’Meara
is a globe-trotting observer
who is always looking for the
next great celestial event.

It’s best to look for the limb effects in twilight,
when the contrast between the Moon’s edge
and the sky is lowest.
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