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V M FA-112

50 // OCTOBER 2018 #367

he challenges faced by the men and
women of Marine Fighter Attack
Squadron (VMFA) 112 are many. It
currently flies the ‘legacy’ F/A-18++ Hornet
and the B-model trainer, and is a reserve unit,
which dictates that many of its personnel are
part-time. It also means it’s often at the back
of the queue for the spare parts to keep its
jets flying. Does this hold it back, or prevent
it from maintaining the legendary fighting
spirit of the US Marine Corps? Not one bit.
The squadron is under the command of
Marine Aircraft Group (MAG) 41 and the 4th
Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW) and it has an air-

to-air and air-to-ground role. Lt Col Clint J
Weber is commanding officer of the ‘Cowboys’,
as the unit is nicknamed, and Maj Brian J
Sullivan is active duty officer in charge (OIC).
The active duty officer leads the squadron
on a day-to-day basis because the
commanding officer is always a reservist.
Maj Sullivan explained to AFM: “My role is
unique, with a high responsibility for a major,
but I make the decisions that are best for
the squadron while I am in this seat.”
Sullivan started off as the unit’s maintenance
officer, something he feels has been very
beneficial. “I think every future active duty

officer in charge should have maintenance
officer experience. You do need to have
the perspective of what [the] maintenance
[team] does, especially with the old
aircraft we use. It helped me to double
the amount of serviceable aircraft.”
The squadron has around 12 F/A-18A++
and five F/A-18B jets stationed at Naval Air
Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, Texas,
although the amount of aircraft in its inventory
is much larger. The other machines are stored
in depots all over the country and used for
spare parts. It has around 20 pilots, of which
two thirds are reservists. One of the few active

It may be a reserve squadron
flying ‘legacy’ aircraft, but Dallas-
based VMFA-112 is an exemplary
US Marine Corps fighter unit
and is ready to go to war at a
moment’s notice. Frank Visser
visits the squadron and sees how
it maintains its fighting spirit.


Esprit de Corps


Above: A pair of VMFA-112 F/A-18A++ Hornets, high over their
home state of Texas. Callsigns used for this particular mission
were ‘Cowboy 11’ and ‘Cowboy 12’. via Northern Skies Aviation

50-55 VMFA112 AFM Oct2018.indd 50 9/10/2018 9:54:59 AM

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