
(backadmin) #1 #367 OCTOBER 2018 // 75

esidents of the Syrian capital,
Damascus, awoke to the sound of
explosions around the city on the
morning of April 14. Looking out of their
windows, they could see missiles arcing into
the sky. Within minutes, the international
media was broadcasting footage of the action.
Later that morning, events took a new turn.
Russia, having come to the aid of the Syrian
president, sent one of its generals to a press
conference at the MoD in Moscow where
he gave a detailed account of the battle.
The general described how the allied
attack unfolded, citing the number of cruise
missiles fired at 103, revealing the aircraft
types involved, where US warships had
fired their cruise missiles from and their
flight paths. Three hours later, a US general
provided the Pentagon’s account of the
operation which in most respects chimed
with the Kremlin’s account. He said the
allies launched 105 cruise missiles.

The only serious bone of contention
was whether or not Syrian surface-to-air
missiles (SAMs) had successfully shot down
any of the inbound cruise missiles. The
propaganda war was now in high gear.
What was new about this ‘war of missile
claims’ was that it now seemed to be a ‘war
of equals’. Both the Russians and Americans

clearly have a degree of situational awareness
of Syria’s battlefields that wasn’t seen in
previous air wars over the past 30 years. The
Russians have also shown themselves to
be adept at getting their story ‘out’ first.
Amid all the public relations ‘fire and fury’
of the past few months, the capabilities and
performance of the Syrian Air Defence Force


Above: A VKS Su-25 taxies past a pair of Russian S-400 Triumf (SA-21 ‘Growler’) transporter-erector-
launchers at Khmeimim air base in Latakia province. This SAM was fi rst deployed to Syria after a VKS
Su-24 strike aircraft was downed by a Turkish Air Force F-16 in November 2015. Russian MoD

74-78 Syrian AFM Oct2018.indd 75 9/10/2018 11:03:49 AM

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