Small Animal Dermatology, 3rd edition

(Tina Sui) #1


Pemphigoid Complex

 Very rare.

 Collie, Shetland sheepdog, doberman pinscher and dachshund may be predisposed.

 Mucous membrane pemphigoid: German shepherd dog; median age of onset 6 years.

Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita

 Very rare.

 Great Dane; not yet described in cats.

 Male predisposition; earlier age of onset; median 15 months of age.


Pemphigus Complex

Transient waves of vesicles and pustules coalescing to crusted patches (Fig-

ure 12.2)
Scales, crust, pustules, epidermal collarettes, erosions, erythema, alopecia, and

footpad hyperkeratosis with fissuring
Ulcerations indicate a deeper disease and/or secondary bacterial infection
Facial lesions: nasal planum, dorsal muzzle, periorbital (“butterfly” pat-
tern), and pinnae (Figures 12.3–12.5)
Footpad margins (Figures 12.6, 12.7)
Truncal patches of crusts, scales, vesicles, and pustules (Figure 12.8)
Mucosal and mucocutaneous lesions rare; due to secondary infection
Cats: facial as well as nipple and ungual fold involvement common

(Figures 12.9–12.11)
Lymphadenopathy, edema, depression, fever, and lameness (if footpads

involved) in more severe or chronic cases; however, patients are often in good
Variable pain and pruritus.

Similar to PF
Facially confined lesions; rarely footpads
Aggravated by ultraviolet light; seasonality possible in certain geographic loca-

Depigmentation of the nasal planum, dorsal muzzle, lip margins, and eyelid mar-

gins common, and may precede crusting (Figure 12.12)
No oral or mucosal lesions
ANA rarely positive.

Oral ulceration frequent and may precede skin lesions
Ulcerative lesions, erosions, epidermal collarettes, blisters, and crusts

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