FHM Australia – August 2019

(vip2019) #1

1 |FrodoandtheDopplerEffect
a Halloweenpartyattheirnewneighbor

2 |SoftKitty,WarmKitty,LittleBallof
Sufferinga seriouscaseofthemanflu,a
sickfriendandweseea peacefulSheldonfall
betweenthesetwoandwouldmakea come-

3 |The Booze Effect
Raj and Howard were set-up as the two
lovable “losers” in the group when it came
to relationships. Although Howard had a
misplaced confidence when it came to the
ladies, Raj however, had none. This all fell
away when a bartending Penny served him a
few alcoholic drinks too many and made the
ultimate discovery, that Raj is super smooth
when he’s tipsy.

4 | The Booze Effect Part 2
Raj was not the only one to discover his cour-
age thanks to alcohol. Before giving his ac-

forScience,a nervousSheldontakesPenny’s
decidesthata goodde-pantsingisneededto

5 |Stan Lee and the Uninvited Nerd
Over the 12-season run, Big Bang Theory
had a stellar cast of guest appearances, from
Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Stephen Hawking
and Bill Nye to name a few. Yet one appear-
ance truly stood out, that of Marvel creator
and comic book superstar Stan Lee. After
missing the opportunity to meet his hero
at a comic bookstore, Sheldon is devasted.
Penny, however, finds out where Stan Lee
lives and surprises Sheldon with a visit to the
legend’s house. Of course, Sheldon’s lack of
social skills turns this simple house visit into a
hilarious meeting.

6 | When Amy met Shelly
What starts off as a prank to amuse them-
selves, Howard and Raj decide to set up a date
for the socially awkward Sheldon. However,
their plan backfires when it’s revealed that
Amy Farrah Fowler is the female equivalent
of Sheldon. The two hit it off immediately,
sharing a similar distaste for social conven-
tion and a common love for critical thinking,
to the horror of Raj and Howard.

7 | The Curious Incident of Reverse
When it was revealed that Sheldon’s mom
was a down-to-earth (and normal) mom from
Texas, the relationship between the two took
the show to new heights. Although proud of
her son’s achievements, Mrs. Cooper never
stood for her son’s oddball antics. And the
episode that truly showed that mom always
knows best was when Mrs. Cooper out-
smarted her genius son with simple reverse
psychology to convince him to get back
together with Amy.

8 | I Sheldon, I Robot
Tired of having to waste his time with simple
tasks like leaving his room, Sheldon decides

to put his consciousness inside a robot (in
other words an iPad attached to a t-shirt
wearing robot) and let the robot handle the
mundane tasks of the day. Hilarity ensues as
the Sheldon robot annoys everyone, espe-
cially Leonard as he needs to look after the

9 | The L Word
The rollercoaster ride of “will they, won’t
they?” between Leonard and Penny finally
came to a very satisfying conclusion when
during a heated argument, Penny finally says
she loves Leonard. It was as much of a sur-
prise to Leonard as it was to the audience and
the relief felt by both after years of frustration
was a truly amazing moment.

10 | When Sheldon and Amy dressed up as
Howard and Bernadette for Halloween
No one loves a dress up more than the lovable
nerds from The Big Bang Theory. From full
Star Trek uniforms to ridiculously detailed
Avengers outfits, these guys truly go all out
to celebrate their favorite geek culture icons.
However, arguably the best dress up episode
was when Howard dressed up as Sheldon
and absolutely nailed it. Naturally, Sheldon
did not take this lying down and the highlight
of the episode was seeing Sheldon pull off a
perfect Howard impression.
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