Biology Now, 2e

(Ben Green) #1

174 ■ CHAPTER 10 How Genes Work



he greenhouse is vast, the size of half a
football field. A loud, steady thrum rever-
berates in the room as massive metal fans
push air through the hot, humid space. Mike
Wanner, a tall, serious man with gray hair and
piercing brown eyes, walks through rows of leafy
plants, each a foot and a half tall. He stoops to
rub a leaf between his fingers, then raises his
hand to his nose and sniffs. “That’s what tobacco
smells like,” Wanner shouts, straining to be
heard over the noise of the fans.
Wanner is the North Carolina site manager
for operations at Medicago, a Canadian biotech-
nology company growing tobacco at a facility
outside Durham, once home to Lucky Strike
cigarettes (Figure 10.1). But these plants are
not being grown to smoke, chew, or dip. Instead,
they serve a dramatically different purpose: this
tobacco will be used to make flu vaccines.
Influenza vaccines are normally grown in
chicken eggs—a process that takes months. As
an alternative, companies and researchers have
begun experimenting with “biopharming”—
manufacturing vaccine proteins in plants. Since

most genes contain instructions for building
proteins, scientists insert a gene that codes
for the protein that interests them. This produc-
tion of a protein from a gene occurs via gene
expression—the process by which genes are
transcribed into RNA and then translated to
make proteins (Figure 10.2).
Proteins participate in virtually every process
inside and between cells, so gene expression is the
fundamental way by which genes influence the
structure and function of a cell or organism. It is
the process through which an organism’s geno-
type gives rise to its phenotype (see Chapter 7).
All prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and viruses utilize
gene expression.
In addition to being involved in every process
in a cell, proteins are the key components of
some vaccines. Injected pieces of viral proteins
activate the human immune system to defend
against that virus in the future (see Figure 2.1).
To m a k e t h e s e v a c c i n e s , s c i e nt i s t s mu s t pr o du c e
large quantities of viral proteins. The traditional
method is to inject chicken eggs with a virus, let
the virus multiply in the chicken cells, and then

Figure 10.1

Growing tobacco to treat the flu

To b a c c o p l a n t s g r o w i n a M e d i c a g o g r e e n h o u s e i n Q u e b e c Ci t y, C a n a d a.


Transcription Translation





copy of the
gene is
made in the



Amino acids are
linked to one
another at the
ribosome to
create the protein
encoded by the

Figure 10.2

An overview of gene expression
Genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to
protein during gene expression, which occurs in
two steps: first transcription and then translation.
The transcription of a protein-coding gene
produces an mRNA molecule, which is then
transported to the cytoplasm, where translation
occurs and the protein is made with the help of
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