Biology Now, 2e

(Ben Green) #1



Fossil hunters discover Moby Dick’s earliest

ancestor—a furry, four-legged land lover.

◆ (^) Define evolution and list the six types of evidence for evolution.
◆ (^) Compare and contrast artificial selection and natural selection.
◆ (^) Summarize the argument that the fossil record provides evidence in support
of evolution.
◆ (^) Give an example of a homologous or vestigial trait, and explain how such traits
support the theory of common descent.
◆ (^) Explain why even distantly related species have similar DNA.
◆ (^) Use your knowledge of evolution and continental drift to make a prediction about the
geographic location of a given set of fossils.
◆ (^) Relate similarities in embryonic development among species to their shared
evolutionary past.
After reading this chapter you should be able to:

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