Biology Now, 2e

(Ben Green) #1
Fast Lizards, Slow Corals ■ 241

mixing in the past, yet there is no evidence that
interbreeding is common; only a few rare hybrids
grow on the ocean floor between them. When
two species are reproductively isolated from
each other, we say that reproductive barriers
exist between those species. Reproductive barri-
ers are often divided into two categories: pre-
zygotic and postzygotic.
Barriers that prevent a male gamete (such as
a human sperm) and a female gamete (such as
a human egg) from fusing to form a zygote are
prezygotic barriers. Prezygotic barriers act
before the zygote exists (Figure 13.13). Barri-
ers that prevent zygotes from developing into

Figure 13.12

Sympatric speciation drives diversity

among Lake Victoria cichlid species

Scientists have described some 500 species

of cichlid fishes in Lake Victoria. Genetic

analyses indicate that they all descended

from just two ancestor species over the past

100,000 years. These four species show some

of the differences in feeding behavior and


Q1: What is the main difference between
allopatric and sympatric speciation?

Q2: Name two events that must happen
for both allopatric speciation and sympatric
speciation to occur.

Q3: Do you think all of the 500 species
in Lake Victoria arose through sympatric
speciation? Why or why not?

Haplochromis chilotes
feeds on insects.

feeds on other fishes.

bicolor feeds on snails
and other mollusks.

Astatotilapia elegans is a
generalized bottom feeder.

Figure 13.13

The blue-footed booby courtship dance
is a prezygotic, behavioral reproductive
This species of booby has a unique ritual dance
that must be accurately completed before mating.
Other booby species do not perform exactly the
same dance and therefore do not mate with the
blue-footed booby.

Q1: What does “prezygotic” mean?

Q2: How is the booby’s ritual dance a
prezygotic reproductive barrier?

Q3: What are some other prezygotic
reproductive barriers besides a mating

Blue-footed boobies point
their beaks, wings, and tails
upward in a mating dance
called “sky pointing.”
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