Watercolor Artist - USA (2019-02)

(Antfer) #1

20 Watercolor artist | FEBRUARY 2019

Watercolor Essentials


of Gray

To mix a basic gray, I use three
primary colors, such as alizarin
crimson for red, yellow ochre
for yellow and French ultra-
marine for blue. The color
temperature can be made
warmer by using more alizarin
crimson or cooler by using
more French ultramarine.
Essentially, this method
is the same as using two
complementary colors (one
primary and one secondary)
to mix gray: red and green,
blue and orange, and yellow
and purple.

To capture the arid
landscape of this island
in southern Italy,
I wanted a variety of
warm neutral colors for
Sicilian Landscape I
(watercolor on paper,
13x19). I used a viridian/
alizarin crimson
combination as a base
color of gray. I added
burnt sienna, burnt
umber or yellow ochre to
neutralize it even more.

Yellow Ochre



Warmer Cooler

Alizarin Crimson
(French Ultramarine +
Yellow Ochre)

French Ultramarine
(Alizarin Crimson +
Yellow Ochre)

Yellow Ochre
(French Ultramarine +
Alizarin Crimson)
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