Watercolor Artist - USA (2019-02)

(Antfer) #1

26 Watercolor artist | FEBRUARY 2019

Burning Question

Tel l a S tor y

With Power

ANTONIO MASI: I’ve been commissioned to do a
book about immigration to America. Being primarily
an urban structural painter, I look forward to
integrating the figure more into my work. I’m also
anticipating the inclusion of the iconic Ellis Island and
Statue of Liberty and their symbolic importance to
the people who left their home countries to begin
again in America.

Paint From Life

Z.L. FENG:I’ll continue exploring my
passion for painting in watercolor by
using live models, painting directly
from life without the use of photos. In
my landscapes, I’ll do my painting en
plein air, or from memory and my
own imagination, to create a new
watercolor. I’d also like to study the
various styles of early masters of
Chinese ink painting and see how
they might influence my work.


To paint or draw daily is my

primary goal. Setting aside ‘playtime’

a few weeks a year is another.


What will you do

that’s new or diff erent

in the coming year to

advance an art goal?

Execute a Plan

I wrote my fi rst business plan. In it,
I determined how much I want to earn
from my paintings. I then researched
the galleries that could help me get
there. My goal for 2019 is to execute
that business plan. To do so, I’m
expanding the portfolio of certain
paintings I think those galleries will
favor. It’s all part of an ongoing goal
to fi nd new and challenging subjects
to paint. To continue to grow, I believe
I must continually learn, modify and
change my art.
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