Watercolor Artist - USA (2019-02)

(Antfer) #1

Open Book


88 Watercolor artist | FEBRUARY 2019

“The human fi gure is a source of endless
inspiration,” says Susan Weintraub
(susanweintraub.com). “Every fi gure and
every pose is unique. As soon as this model
stood on the platform in my Friday fi gure
painting class, I knew I’d have fun painting his
dreadlocks. I was also struck by the contrast of
his long, fl owing hair next to his angular
features. Generally, I fi nd a profi le pose less
interesting than a three-quarter view, but the
clearly defi ned planes of the model’s face
made it easy to see and render the forms.”

Share a watercolor sketch painted from a
live model. @ArtistsNetwork on Instagram:
#everywatercolor_fi gure

Strike a Pose

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