(ff) #1
Of the above statements
(a) A and B alone are correct
(b) C alone is correct
(c) B and C alone are correct
(d) C and D alone are correct.

  1. Examine the figure given below and select the correct option
    giving all the four parts (A, B, C and D) rightly identified.

(a) Archego- Female Gemma Rhizoids
niophore thallus cup
(b) Archego- Female Bud Food
niophore thallus
(c) Seta Sporophyte Protonema Rhizoids
(d) Antherid- Male Globule Roots
iophore thallus

  1. Selaginella and Salvinia are considered to represent a
    significant step toward evolution of seed habit because
    (a) female gametophyte is free and gets dispersed like
    (b) female gametophyte lacks archegonia
    (c) megaspores possess endosperm and embryo
    surrounded by seed coat
    (d) embryo develops in female gametophyte which is
    retained on parent sporophyte.

  2. Compared with the gametophytes of the bryophytes, the
    gametophytes of vascular plants tend to be
    (a) smaller but have larger sex organs
    (b) larger but have smaller sex organs
    (c) larger and have larger sex organs
    (d) smaller and have smaller sex organs.

  3. Examine the figures A, B, C and D. In which one of the four
    options all the items A, B, C and D are correct?

(a) Chara Marchantia Fucus Pinus
(b) Equisetum Ginkgo Selaginella Lycopodium
(c) Selaginella Equisetum Salvinia Ginkgo
(d) Funaria Adiantum Salvinia Riccia

  1. In plants showing diplontic life cycle
    (a) sporophytic generation is represented by one-celled
    (b) gametophyte is dominant free living and
    (c) sporophyte is dominant, photosynthetic and
    (d) none of these.

  2. Gymnosperms are referred to as “naked seed plants”
    (a) they lack ovule
    (b) they lack ovaries
    (c) they lack pollen grains
    (d) they lack archegonia.

  3. Coralloid roots associated with N 2 fixing cyanobacteria are
    found in
    (a) Equisetum
    (b) Marchantia
    (c) Cycas
    (d) Lycopodium.

  4. Haplo-diplontic life cycle is found in
    (a) Bryophytes
    (b) Pteridophytes
    (c) both (a) and (b)
    (d) none of these.
    True or False

  5. The plant body of mosses, may be thallose or foliose.

  6. Archegonia are female organs of Bryophytes, Pteridophytes
    and Gymnosperms.

  7. In Funaria, the male receptacle is surrounded by rosette of
    divergent perichaetial leaves.

  8. In Pteridophytes, sperms are generally bi or multi-

  9. Ferns are grown as ornamental plants for their delicate and
    graceful leaves.

  10. Heterospory is pre-requisite to pollination and seed

  11. A d i s t i n c t o va r y, s t y l e a n d s t i g m a i s a b s e n t i n

  12. In Gymnosperms, phloem is without sieve tubes.

  13. young leaves of Cycas show circinate ptyxis.

  14. In Angiosperms the development of endosperm takes place
    before fertilisation and hence it is haploid.

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