(ff) #1

  1. Which of the following sentences is correct?
    (a) In prokaryotes there are no membrane bound cell
    (b) Cells of all living organisms have a nucleus.
    (c) Cells are formed de novo from abiotic materials.
    (d) Both animal and plant cells have a well defined cell

  2. The element responsible for the ring structure of chlorophyll
    and maintenance of ribosome structure is
    (a) Ca++ (b) Mg+
    (c) S (d) K+.

  3. One hormone hastens maturity period in juvenile conifers, a
    second hormone controls xylem differentiation, while the third
    increases the tolerance of plants to various stresses. They are
    (a) Gibberellin, Auxin, Cytokinin
    (b) Auxin, Gibberellin, Cytokinin
    (c) Gibberellin, Auxin, ABA
    (d) Auxin, Gibberellin, ABA.

  4. Which of the following is not an ex-situ conservation?
    (a) Cryopreservation
    (b) Seed bank
    (c) Biosphere reserves
    (d) Botanical garden

  5. If 30J of energy is trapped at producer level, then how much
    energy will be available to peacock as food in the following
    Plant → Mice → Snake → Peacock
    (a) 0.3J (b) 0.03J
    (c) 0.0003J (d) 0.003J

  6. With respect to phenylketonuria identify which statement is
    not correct.
    (a) It is a case of aneuploidy.
    (b) It is an example of pleiotropy.
    (c) Caused due to autosomal recessive trait.
    (d) It is an error in metabolism.

  7. In a human foetus the limbs and digits develop after
    (a) 12 weeks (b) first trimester
    (c) 5 th month (d) 8 weeks.
    8. The 2000 year old seed excavated from King Herod’s palace
    at dead sea belong to
    (a) Dendrocalamus strictus
    (b) Lupine articus
    (c) Phoenix dactylifera
    (d) Strobilanthus kunthiana.
    9. label the correct part of the Myosin monomer.

(a) (A) Actin binding site (B) Head
(C) ATP binding site (D) Cross arm
(b) (A) Cross arm (B) Actin binding site
(C) Head (D) ATP binding site
(c) (A) ATP binding site (B) Actin binding site
(C) Head (D) Cross arm
(d) (A) Head (B) Cross arm
(C) Actin binding site (D) ATP binding site

  1. Greenhouse crops such as tomatoes and bell pepper produce
    higher yields. This is due to
    (a) CO 2 enriched atmosphere leads to higher yields
    (b) CO 2 is a limiting factor to photosynthesis
    (c) diffused light in green house
    (d) tomatoes and bell pepper are not C 3 plants.

  2. The organisms which completely lack a cell wall and can live
    without oxygen are
    (a) mycoplasmas (b) archaebacteria
    (c) methanogens (d) thermoacidophiles.

  3. RNA polymerase-I transcribes eukaryotic ribosome which does
    not consist of
    (a) 5.8S rRNA (b) 28S rRNA
    (c) 18S rRNA (d) 5S rRNA.

  4. Match the following.
    (A) VNTR p. largest gene
    (B) Introns and Exons q. DNA fingerprinting
    (C) Dystrophin r. Bulk DNA
    (D) Satellite DNA s. Splicing


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