
(Michael S) #1
chApTer-3 : hUmAn reprODUcTIOn

multiple choice Questions

  1. Given diagram shows a portion of a seminiferous
    tubule. Identify the labelled parts.

(a) A-Sertoli cell, B-Spermatogonium, C-Primary
spermatocyte, D-Secondary spermatocyte,
E-Spermatids, F-Leydig cell
(b) A-Leydig cell, B-Primary spermatocyte,
C-Spermatogonium, D-Secondary spermatocyte,
E-Spermatids, F-Sertoli cell
(c) A-Leydig cell, B-Spermatogonium, C-Primary
spermatocyte, D-Secondary spermatocyte,
E-Spermatozoa, F-Sertoli cell
(d) A-Spermatozoan, B-Spermatogonium, C-Primary
spermatocyte, D-Secondary spermatocyte,
E-Spermatids, F-Sertoli cell

  1. Match the following columns.
    Column - I Column - II
    A. Stage - I (i) Menstrual phase
    B. Stage - II (ii) Follicular proliferative
    C. Stage - III (iii) Ovulatory phase
    D. Stage - IV (iv) Luteal/Secretory phase
    (a) A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(ii)
    (b) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii)
    (c) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(iv)
    (d) A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(i)

  2. Study the graph and correlate the uterine events
    that take place according to the hormonal levels on
    A: 6-15 day; B: 16-25 days; C: 26-28 days (if the
    ovum is not fertilised).

(a) A-Degeneration of endometrium, B-Myometrium
thickens, becomes vascularised, ready to receive
and implant embryo, C-Regeneration of
(b) A-Degeneration of endometrium, B-Endometrium
thickens, becomes vascularised, ready to
receive and implant ovum, C-Regeneration of
(c) A-Degeneration of endometrium, B-Endometrium
thickens, becomes vascularised, ready to
receive and implant embryo, C-Regeneration of
(d) A-Regeneration of endometrium, B-Endometrium
thickens, becomes vascularised, ready to
receive and implant embryo, C-Degeneration of

  1. The following graph shows relative concentrations
    of the four hormones present in the blood plasma
    of a woman during her menstrual cycle. Identify the
    hormones A, B, C and D.

(a) A-FSH, B-Progesterone, C-LH, D-Oestrogen
(b) A-LH, B-Progesterone, C-FSH, D-Oestrogen
(c) A-FSH, B-Oestrogen, C-LH, D-Progesterone
(d) A-LH, B-Oestrogen, C-FSH, D-Progesterone

  1. Which one of the following statements about morula
    in humans is correct?
    (a) It has almost equal quantity of cytoplasm as an
    uncleaved zygote but with much more DNA.
    (b) It has far less cytoplasm as well as less DNA than
    in an uncleaved zygote.
    (c) It has more or less equal quantity of cytoplasm
    and DNA, as in uncleaved zygote.
    (d) It has more cytoplasm and more DNA, than an
    uncleaved zygote.

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