
(Michael S) #1

  1. Given here is the figure of a section of Graafian follicle.
    Identify the labelled parts A to E and select the correct

(a) A-Theca externa; B-Theca interna; C-Antrum;
D-Ovum; E-Membrana granulosa
(b) A-Membrana granulosa; B-Theca externa;
C-Theca interna; D-Antrum; E-Secondary oocyte
(c) A-Membrana granulosa; B-Theca interna;
C-Antrum; D-Ovum; E-Theca externa
(d) A-Theca externa; B-Theca interna;
C-Membrana granulosa; D-Antrum;
E-Secondary oocyte

  1. If for some reason, the vasa efferentia in the human
    reproductive system get blocked, the gametes will not
    be transported from
    (a) testes to epididymis
    (b) epididymis to vas deferens
    (c) ovary to uterus
    (d) vagina to uterus.
    True or False

  2. Development of hair in pubic region and axillae
    occurs in response to androgens produced by adrenal

  3. Both LH and FSH attain a peak level in the middle of
    menstrual cycle.

  4. In case of male foetus, the testes develop in the
    abdomen, but descend into the scrotum, only after

  5. Sperm formation is continuous in males, right from
    spermarche to male climacteric, around 68 years.

  6. Semen contains glucose and fructose for nourishing

  7. The number of follicles in the two ovaries of young
    adult female is about 4 lacs, but only 450 of them
    mature during the entire reproductive span.

  8. In humans, the allantois is small and non-functional
    except for furnishing blood vessels to the placenta.

  9. Implantation begins about third day after fertilisation
    of ovum and it takes about seven days for the process
    to be completed.

  10. Foetus is connected to placenta by a long flexible string
    called umbilical cord.

  11. Organogenesis in the human embryo begins in the fifth
    week of pregnancy.
    match The columns

  12. Match Column-I with Column-II.
    Column-I Column-II
    A. Glans penis (i) Spermatogenic
    B. Sertoli cells (ii) Prepuce
    C. Circumcision (iii) Fertilisation membrane
    D. Middle piece (iv) Antibiotic
    E. Cortical reaction (v) HCG
    F. Trophoblast (vi) Ring centriole
    G. Teratogen (vii) Corpus spongiosum

  13. Match Column-I with Column-II. (There can be more
    than one match for items in Column-I).
    Column-I Column-II
    A. Vulva (i) Lungs
    B. Sperm lysin (ii) Salivary glands
    C. Menses (iii) LH
    D. Endoderm derivative (iv) Liquor folliculi
    E. Granulosa layer (v) Glans clitoridis
    F. Leydig cells (vi) Hyaluronidase
    G. Ectoderm derivative (vii) Menstrual phase
    (viii) Cumulus ovaricus
    (ix) Labia majora
    (x) Secretory phase
    (xi) Acrosin
    (xii) Testosterone
    (xiii) CNS
    (xiv) Gastric glands
    passage Based Questions

28.(A) Complete the given passage with appropriate words
or phrases.
The (i) present in the inner wall of (ii) multiply by
mitotic division. Some of these, called (iii) ,undergo
meiosis leading to the formation of two equal haploid
cells called (iv). These, further, undergo second meiotic
division to produce four, equal, haploid (v).
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