• AIDS can be diagnosed by ELISA test and Western
blotting test. Western blotting test is employed for
confirmation of ELISA positive cases.
• No vaccine has been prepared so
far against AIDS virus.
• I m m u n o d e f i c i e n c i e s
c a n a l s o b e
inherited. Chronic
disease, w h e r e
p h a g o c y t e s h a v e
a reduced ability to
destroy pathogens is an
example of an inherited, or
congenital immunodeficiency.
• Abnormal immune responses comprise the other end of
immune dysfunction, particularly the autoimmune
• Here, the immune system fails
to properly distinguish between
self and non-self and attacks
part of the body.
• When the cells act
as antigens in the same
body, they are called
• S o m e o f t h e
examples of autoimmune
disorders and their autoantigens
are given in the following table.