
(Michael S) #1

• Important examples of trisomy in human beings with
2 n = 47 are :

(i) Down’s syndrome or Mongolian idiots (Mongolism)

• This is autosomal trisomic for chromosome 21,
which was reported by Langdon Down of England
in 1866.

• These are short-statured, having heavy eyelids and
heavy tongue, low mental ability and life span of 8–12

(ii) Klinefelter’s syndrome (trisomy of XXY type)

• These are normal males, but having low sperm count,
so sterile.

(iii) Patau’s syndrome is trisomy of 13 th chromosome.

  1. tetrasomy

• Organisms having genetic constitution as 2n + 2,

i.e., one homologous pair of extra chromosomes, or a
particular chromosome is present four times.
• Both trisomics and tetrasomics are believed to have
given rise to new species through secondary polyploidy
e.g., apple, pear.

  1. Pentasomy
    • XXXXX syndrome or pentasomy X is the presence
    of three additional X chromosomes.
    • Diagnosis is done by karyotyping. This condition was
    first described in 1963.
    • Approximately 25 females have been described in
    medical literature worldwide with this extremely rare

mixed aneuploids
• They are aneuploids with both hypoploidy and
hyperploidy, e.g., 2n + 1A – 1B.




frequency at

Main phenotypic characteristics

47; + 21 2 n + 1 Down 1/700 Short broad hands with Simian-type palmar crease,
short stature, hyperflexibility of joints, mental
retardation, broad head with round face, open
mouth with large tongue, epicanthal fold.
47; + 13 2 n + 1 Patau 1/20,000 Mental deficiency and deafness, minor muscle
seizures, cleft lip and/or palate, polydactyly, cardiac
anomalies, posterior heel prominence.
47; + 18 2 n + 1 Edward 1/8000 Multiple congenital malformation of many organs;
low-set, malformed ears; receding mandible, small
mouth and nose with general elfin appearance;
mental deficiency; horseshoe or double kidney;
short sternum, 90% die in the first 6 months.
45; X 2 n – 1 Turner 1/2500 female births Female with retarded sexual development, usually
sterile, short stature, webbing of skin in neck region,
cardiovascular abnormalities, hearing impairment.
47; XXY
48; XXXY
48; XXYY

2 n + 1
2 n + 2
2 n + 2
2 n + 3
2 n + 4

Klinefelter 1/500 male births Male, subfertile with small testes, developed
breasts, feminine pitched voice, long limbs, knock
knees, rambling talkativeness.

47; XXX 2 n + 1 Triple X 1/700 Female with usually normal genitalia and limited
fertility. Slight mental retardation.

Table : Aneuploidy resulting from nondisjunction in the human population.
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