
(Michael S) #1

  • Organism with single genome, i.e., ‘A’ – haploid.

  • Organism with two similar genomes, i.e., ‘AA’ –

  • Organism with three similar genomes, i.e., ‘AAA’ –

  • Organism with four similar genomes, i.e., ‘AAAA’ –
    autotetraploid and so on.

• Autopolyploids are present naturally and can also be
produced artificially.

• Natural autopolyploids are found in apple, banana,
doob grass (Cynodon dactylon), grapes, tomato,
watermelons, Oenothera, maize, barseem, marigold,
• Polyploidy can be induced artificially by colchicine
treatment in 0.01–0.5% concentration.
• Colchicine is an alkaloid obtained from seeds and
corms of Colchicum autumnale, a plant belonging
to family Liliaceae (first obtained by Houde, 1887
and was first used for inducing polyploidy by Dustin,
• Colchicine induces cell division without cytokinesis
(cell wall formation), because of its property of
arresting and breaking the spindle. Thus, doubling
of chromosome number occurs.
• Colchicine treatment for inducing polyploidy can be
given in either of the following ways :
(i) By soaking seeds in its solution.
(ii) By placing cotton soaked in colchicine solution
on axillary bud.
(iii)By injecting colchicine solution into the
• Colchicine has no effect on its parent plant
(Colchicum), because of presence of anticolchicine
in it (Blakeslee).
• Colchicine also has medicinal property, and is used
to cure rheumatism.

(ii) allopolyploidy

• This is a chromosomal variation produced in crosses,
between two species, having different sets of

• The resulting hybrid has a different number of
chromosomes, than the parents.

• For example :

•    Some classical examples of allopolyploids are:

(a) raphanobrassica
• This allopolyploid was produced by G.D. Karpechenko
(1927) by doubling the chromosome number of
F 1 hybrid produced by crossing radish (Raphanus
sativus) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea).
• This cross was made to produce a new plant with
root character like radish and stem character like
cabbage, i.e.,

•    But it has no agricultural importance because the roots
of this new plant were like cabbage and stem like

(b) triticale or triticosecale
• This is first man made crop or cereal, produced
by Rimpau.
• Triticale is an example of artificial allopolyploid,
produced by crossing wheat (Triticum) and European
rye (Secale), i.e., intergeneric hybridization.
• Triticale may be hexaploid, or octaploid, on the basis
of wheat used in hybridization (i.e., tetraploid wheat
or hexaploid wheat).
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