
(Nora) #1


ChApTEr-5 : prInCIpLES OF

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. If both parents are carriers for thalassaemia, which is
    an autosomal recessive disorder, what are the chances
    of pregnancy resulting in an affected child?
    (a) 25% (b) 100%
    (c) No chance (d) 50%

  2. A child’s blood group is ‘O’. His parents’ blood groups
    cannot be
    (a) A and B (b) A and A
    (c) AB and O (d) B and O.

  3. Down’s syndrome in humans is due to
    (a) three ‘X’ chromosomes
    (b) three copies of chromosome 21
    (c) monosomy
    (d) two ‘Y’ chromosomes.

  4. If a cross between two individuals produces offsprings
    with 50% dominant character (A) and 50% recessive
    character (a), the genotypes of parents are
    (a) Aa × Aa (b) Aa × aa
    (c) AA × aa (d) AA × Aa.

  5. Which one of the following conditions correctly
    describes the manner of determining the sex?
    (a) Homozygous sex chromosomes (ZZ) determine
    female sex in birds.

(b) XO type of sex chromosomes determine male sex
in grasshopper.
(c) XO condition in humans as found in Turner’s
syndrome, determines female sex.
(d) Homozygous sex chromosomes (XX) produce
male in Drosophila.

  1. In a typical Mendelian dihybrid cross, one parent is
    homozygous for both dominant traits and another
    parent is homozygous for both recessive traits. In
    the F 2 generation , both parental combinations and
    recombinations appear. The phenotypic ratio of
    parental combinations to recombinations is
    (a) 10 : 6 (b) 12 : 4
    (c) 9 : 7 (d) 15 : 1.

  2. The existence of non-beneficial alleles in heterozygous
    genotype within a population is
    (a) genetic load (b) genetic drift
    (c) genetic flow (d) selection.

  3. Due to nondisjunction of chromosomes during
    spermatogenesis, some sperms carry both sex
    chromosomes (22A + XY) and some sperms do not
    carry any sex chromosome (22A + O). If these sperms
    fertilise normal eggs (22A + X), what types of genetic
    disorders appear among the offsprings?
    (a) Klinefelter’s syndrome and Turner’s syndrome
    (b) Down’s syndrome and Klinefelter’s syndrome
    (c) Down’s syndrome and Turner’s syndrome
    (d) Down’s syndrome and Cri-du-chat syndrome

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