
(Nora) #1

  1. Which of the following genotypes of man shows
    presence of one Barr body?
    (a) XY (b) XXXY
    (c) XXY (d) All of these

  2. Which of the following is not a X-linked recessive
    (a) Haemophilia
    (b) Colour blindness
    (c) b-thalassaemia
    (d) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

  3. Haemophilia is a genetic disorder, in which
    (a) blood fails to coagulate after an injury
    (b) there is delayed coagulation of blood
    (c) blood clots in blood vessels
    (d) blood cell count falls.

  4. Given diagram shows a pair of homologous
    chromosomes during meiosis.

Maximum crossing over will occur between genes
(a) A and a, D and d (b) C and d, c and D
(c) B and c, b and C (d) A and d, a and D.

  1. Wife is PTC non-taster and husband is PTC taster. Their
    son is taster but daughters are non-tasters. This is not
    a sex linked trait. Which pedigree is correct?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

  1. The given Punnett’s square represents the pattern of
    inheritance in a dihybrid cross where yellow (Y) and
    round (R) seed condition is dominant over white (y)
    and wrinkled (r) seed condition.

YR Yr yR yr
Yr G K O S
yR H L P T
yr I M Q U

A plant of type ‘H’ will produce seeds with the
genotype identical to seeds produced by the plants
(a) Type M
(b) Type J
(c) Type P
(d) Type N.

  1. A man having the genotype EEFfGgHH can produce P
    number of genetically different sperms, and a woman
    of genotype IiLLMmNn can generate Q number of
    genetically different eggs. Determine the values of P
    and Q.
    (a) P = 4, Q = 4
    (b) P = 4, Q = 8
    (c) P = 8, Q = 4
    (d) P = 8, Q = 8
    True or False

  2. When IA and IB are present together, and both of
    them express their own types of proteins, it is called

  3. Pedigree analysis provides a strong tool, which is
    utilized to trace the inheritance of a specific person.

  4. Point mutations are commonly observed in cancer

  5. Female butterflies have one Z and one W chromosome,
    whereas the males have a pair of Z chromosomes,
    besides the autosomes.

  6. Deletions and insertions of base pairs of DNA cause
    frame-shift mutations.

  7. Sickle cell anaemia is caused by substitution of valine
    (Val) by glutamic acid (Glu) at the sixth position of
    alpha globin chain of haemoglobin.

  8. Physical, psychomotor and mental development is
    retarded in individuals suffering from trisomy of 21st

  9. Heterozygotes always express a phenotype which
    is a blend of both the homozygous parental

  10. Punnett square is a graphical representation to
    calculate probability of all possible genotypes of

  11. Mendel’s approach of using mathematics to
    explain biological phenomena was totally new and
    acceptable to most biologists.

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