
(Nora) #1
Match The Columns

  1. Match Column-I with Column-II.

Column-I Column-II
A. Discontinuous (i) Darwin’s finches
B. Raymond Dart (ii) Peppered moth
C. Hugo de Vries (iii) Charles Darwin
D. Adaptive radiation (iv) Tuang baby
E. Donald Johnson (v) Saltation
F. Industrial melanism (vi) Lung fishes
G. Gemmule (vii) Lucy

  1. Match Column-I with Column-II. (There can be more
    than one match for items in Column-I).
    Column-I Column-II
    A. Premating isolation (i) Temporal isolation
    B. Cretaceous (ii) First modern birds
    C. Microfossils (iii) Origin of reptiles
    D. Co-evolution (iv) Hybrid inferiority
    E. Postmating isolation (v) Palynofossils
    F. Carboniferous (vi) Prey-predator
    G. Ordovician (vii) Host-pathogen
    (viii) Fossil fuels
    (ix) First land plants
    (x) First monocots
    (xi) Ethological isolation
    (xii) Hybrid breakdown
    (xiii) Rise of gymnosperms
    (xiv) First jawless fishes
    passage Based Questions

28.(A) Complete the given passage with appropriate words
or phrases.

When two species are morphologically almost identical,
but do not normally interbreed, such species are called
(i) , for instance (ii) and (iii) are two species of fruit
fly, which do not cross fertilise.

Species restricted to a specific area are called (iv)
while (v) refers to species in adjacent geographical
areas, meeting in narrow regions of overlap.

(B) Read the passage and correct the errors, wherever

Nearctic realm covers Central and South America while
Neotropical realm covers Canada and United States

of America. Ethiopian realm includes Sahara Desert
of Africa and Siberia while Palaearctic realm includes
Arabia and Madagascar. Palaearctic and Nearctic realm
together form Wallace’s line while Holoarctic region
lies between Oriental and Australian realm.

Assertion & reason

In each of the following questions, a statement of
Assertion (A) is given and a corresponding statement
of Reason (R) is given just below it. Of the statements,
mark the correct answer as :
(a) if both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
of A
(b) if both A and R are true but R is not the correct
explanation of A
(c) if A is true but R is false
(d) if both A and R are false.

  1. Assertion : As oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere,
    the ultraviolet light changed some of the oxygen into
    Reason : The ozone formed a layer in the atmosphere,
    blocking the UV rays.

  2. Assertion: Due to rapid increase in the number of
    heterotrophs, the nutrients from sea water began to
    disappear and gradually got exhausted.
    Reason : This led to the evolution of first anaerobic
    photoautotrophs and later aerobic photoautotrophs.

  3. Assertion : Genetic drift is an evolutionary force.
    Reason : It occurs only in small isolated popula-

  4. Assertion : Disruptive evolution favours both small-
    sized and large-sized individuals, and eliminates those
    with mean expression.
    Reason : It is very common in nature and is also the
    most important for bringing evolutionary change.

  5. Assertion : Balanced polymorphism occurs when
    different forms coexist in the same population in a
    stable environment.
    Reason : In humans, the existence of A, B, AB and
    O blood groups represent balanced polymorphism.

  6. Assertion : Fossil ostracoderms probably evolved from
    unarmoured ancestors, such as Jamoytius.
    Reason : Before extinction, ostracoderms gave rise

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