
(Nora) #1

  1. Tongue is a
    (a) rheoreceptor
    (b) teloceptor
    (c) nociceptor
    (d) gustatoreceptor.

  2. Which one of the following is the correct difference
    between rod cells and cone cells of our retina?
    Rod cells Cone cells
    (a) Vision in poor light colour vision and
    detailed vision in
    bright light
    (b) more concentrated in Evenly distributed all over
    centre of retina retina
    (c) Less in number more in number
    (d) Iodopsin rhodopsin

  3. receptor cells for balance in human ear are located in
    (a) utricle, saccule and semicircular canals
    (b) malleus, incus and stapes
    (c) organ of corti
    (d) Eustachian tube.

  4. match column-I with column-II and select the correct
    option from the codes given below.
    Column-I Column-II
    a. Pinna (i) collects vibrations in
    the air which
    produces sound.
    B. Ear canal (ii) Passage for sound wave
    from pinna to ear drum.
    c. Tympanic membrane (iii) Transfers sound wave to
    ear ossicles.
    D. Ear ossicles (iv) Increases the efficiency
    of transmission of sound
    waves to the inner ear
    E. cochlea (v) has hearing receptors
    F. Eustachian tube (vi) Equalizes the pressure on
    both sides of ear drum
    G. auditory nerves (vii) Impulse transfer
    from organ of corti
    to auditory cortex in
    temporal lobe of
    (a) a–(i), B – (ii), c – (iii), D – (iv), E – (v), F – (vi), G – (vii)
    (b) a – (vii), B – (vi), c – (v), D – (iv), E – (iii), F – (ii), G – (i)
    (c) a – (i), B – (ii), c – (iv), D – (iii), E – (v), F – (vi), G – (vii)
    (d) a – (i), B – (ii), c – (iii), D – (iv), E – (v), F – (vii), G – (vi)
    8. match column-I with column-II and select the correct
    option from the codes given below.
    Column-I Column-II
    a. cornea (i) Provides opening for
    light to enter
    B. Iris (ii) Transduces blue, green
    and red light
    c. Lens (iii) controls the amount of
    light that enters
    D. Optic nerves (iv) alter the shape of lens
    E. Pupil (v) Transmits information to
    the cNS
    F. ciliary muscles (vi) Focuses light directly on
    G. Fovea (vii) Bends light and protects
    inner eye
    (a) a – (vii), B – (iii), c – (vi), D – (v), E – (i), F – (iv), G – (ii)
    (b) a – (i), B – (ii), c – (iii), D – (iv), E – (v), F – (vi), G – (vii)
    (c) a – (vii), B – (vi), c – (v), D – (iv), E – (iii), F – (ii), G – (i)
    (d) a – (vii), B – (iv), c – (vi), D – (v), E – (i), F – (iii), G – (ii)
    9. The sequence of ear ossicles of vertebrates starting from
    tympanum is
    (a) stapes, malleus and incus
    (b) malleus, incus and stapes
    (c) incus, malleus and stapes
    (d) stapes, incus and malleus.
    10. When sound waves strike pinna and vibration reaches
    organ of corti (sensory ridge) on basilar membrane
    (a) the receptor cells depolarizes and open voltage-
    gated ion channels which transduce signal to
    auditory nerve
    (b) receptor cells bend accordingly and transmit
    impluses to the auditory nerve
    (c) sensory hair undergo bending stimulating the
    sensory cells and creating the impulse of hearing
    which is carried to brain by auditory nerve
    (d) sensory hair undergo bending and sensory cells
    on tectorial membrane get stimulated, creating
    11. The size of pupil is controlled by the
    (a) ciliary muscles (b) suspensory ligaments
    (c) cornea (d) iris muscles.
    12. Sensation of stomach pain is due to
    (a) interoceptors (b) proprioceptors
    (c) exteroceptors (d) teloceptors.

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