
(Nora) #1

  1. Which of the following is not matched correctly?
    (a) Anabaena – cyanobacteria
    (b) Gonyaulax – Dinoflagellates
    (c) Thermoacidophils – archaebacteria
    (d) Albugo – chrysophytes

  2. In which one of the following, the genus name, its two
    characters and its phylum are not correctly matched,
    whereas the remaining three are correct?
    (a) Pila (i) Body segmented
    (ii) mouth with radula
    (b) Asterias (i) Spiny skinned
    (ii) Water vascular system
    (c) Sycon (i) Pore bearing
    (ii) canal system
    (d) Periplaneta (i) Jointed appendages
    (ii) chitinous exoskeleton

  3. a characteristic of Cycas that resembles ferns is
    (a) circinate ptyxis
    (b) sori in microsporophyll
    (c) uniflagellated male gamete
    (d) both (a) and (b).

  4. match the following and select the correct combination
    from the options given below.
    Column-I Column-II
    (Stem Modifications) (Found in)
    a. Underground stem 1. Euphorbia
    B. Stem tendril 2. Opuntia
    c. Stem thorns 3. Potato
    D. Flattened stem 4. Citrus
    E. Fleshy cylindrical stem 5. cucumber
    (a) a – 1, B – 2, c – 3, D – 5, E – 4
    (b) a – 2, B – 3, c – 4, D – 5, E – 1
    (c) a – 3, B – 4, c – 5, D – 1, E – 2
    (d) a – 3, B – 5, c – 4, D – 2, E – 1

  5. The old dicot root differs from old dicot stem in
    (a) absence of secondary xylem
    (b) possessing lenticel
    (c) possessing protoxylem
    (d) absence of secondary phloem.

  6. Stereocilia occur in
    (a) pseudostratified columnar epithelium of trachea
    (b) columnar epithelium of stomach
    (c) stratified columnar epithelium of pharynx
    (d) pseudostratified columnar epithelium of epididymis.


Plants having the above given floral diagram are
(a) leguminous
(b) dicots
(c) medicinal and perennial
(d) having pinnately compound leaves.

  1. In the given diagram of the reproductive system of
    earthworm what do a, B, c, D and E represent?

(a) a. seminal vesicle, B. spermathecae,
c. prostate gland, D. ovary E. accessory gland
(b) a. seminal vesicle, B. ovary, c. accessory gland,
D. spermathecae E. prostate gland
(c) a. spermathecae, B. seminal vesicle,
c. accessory gland, D. ovary E. prostate gland
(d) a. spermathecae, B. seminal vesicle, c. ovary,
D. accessory gland E. prostate gland

  1. If the length of a double helical DNa is 1.7 meters, the
    number of base pairs present in the DNa will be
    (a) 5 × 10^9 (b) 1.7 × 10^9
    (c) 3.4 × 10^9 (d) 1.7 × 10^5.

  2. The ingrowth of exoskeleton in the head of cockroach
    is called
    (a) notum (b) apodemes
    (c) pleura (d) tentorium.

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