
(Nora) #1

  1. choose the right sequential phenomena among the
    following during the delivery of O 2 from blood to
    P : absorption of cO 2 by the blood.
    Q : reaction of absorbed cO 2 with h 2 O to form h 2 cO 3
    within rBc and its conversion into h+ and hcO– 3
    r : reaction of absorbed cO 2 with h 2 O in plasma to
    form h 2 cO 3 and its conversion into h+ and hcO 3

  • ions.
    S : combination of h+ with heme portion of hbO 2 to
    release O 2.
    T : combination of hcO 3 – with heme portion of hbO 2
    to form reduced hemoglobin and release of O 2.
    (a) P, Q, T (b) P, r, S
    (c) P, Q, S (d) P, r, T

  1. If due to some injury, the chordae tendinae of the
    tricuspid valve of the human heart are partially non-
    functional, what will be the immediate effect?
    (a) The flow of blood into the aorta will be slowed
    (b) The ‘pacemaker’ will stop working.
    (c) The blood will tend to flow back into the left
    (d) The flow of blood into the pulmonary artery will be

  2. When a neuron is in resting state i.e. not conducting
    any impulse, the axonal membrane is
    (a) comparatively more permeable to Na+ ions and
    nearly impermeable to K+ ions
    (b) equally permeable to both Na+ and K+ ions
    (c) impermeable to both Na+ and K+ ions
    (d) comparatively more permeable to K+ ions and nearly
    impermeable to Na+ ions.

  3. an X-ray of the lower abdomen, shows a shadow in the
    region of the ureter suspected to be a ureteric calculus.
    a possible clinical symptom would be
    (a) acute renal failure (arF)
    (b) anuria and haematuria
    (c) motor aphasia
    (d) chronic renal failure (crF).

  4. Excessive stimulation of vagus nerve in humans may
    lead to
    (a) epilepsy
    (b) peptic ulcers
    (c) increased digestion of proteins
    (d) irregular contractions of diaphragm.

  5. The given graph shows an oxygen dissociation curve for

Where in the body will haemoglobin be saturated at
the percentages shown at points 1, 2 and 3 on the
Left ventricle Pulmonary vein Vena cava
(a) 1 2 3
(b) 2 1 3
(c) 2 3 1
(d) 3 2 1

  1. The internal ear of humans, in comparison to that of frog
    (a) smaller cochlea
    (b) longer and coiled cochlea
    (c) fused utriculus and sacculus
    (d) No sacculus.

  2. a person passes much urine and drinks much water but
    his blood glucose level is normal. This condition may be
    the result of
    (a) reduction of insulin secretion from pancreas
    (b) reduction in vassopressin secretion from posterior
    (c) increase in glucose concentration in urine
    (d) increase in secretion of glucagon.

  3. In a mammal, living in water__ as compared to a
    mammal of similar size living on land.
    (a) heart is smaller in size
    (b) lungs are smaller in size
    (c) lungs are larger in size
    (d) heart is larger in size

  4. Perisperm differs from endosperm in
    (a) being a diploid tissue
    (b) its formation by fusion of secondary nucleus with
    several sperms
    (c) being a haploid tissue
    (d) having no reserve food.

  5. an immature male gametophyte differs from a mature
    male gametophyte in that it
    (a) has not yet left the pollen sac
    (b) has not yet germinated and its generative cell has
    not divided into two male gametes

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