
(Nora) #1
(c) is a microspore that has not yet divided by mitosis
(d) still consists of microsporocyte.

  1. Which of the following is wrongly matched?
    (a) IUI - semen collected from husband or donor is
    artificially introduced into the uterus
    (b) GIFT - transfer of embryos with more than 8
    blastomeres into the Fallopian tube
    (c) IcSI - sperm directly injected into the ovum
    (d) ZIFT - transfer of embryos with upto 8 blastomeres
    into the Fallopian tube

  2. Nitsch was able to get strawberries of different shapes
    (a) splitting the ovary
    (b) removing the perianth
    (c) selectively removing some carpels
    (d) inserting an alcohol dipped needle into the ovary.

  3. In angiosperms, female gametophyte is called as embryo
    sac. Given figures represent different stages of embryo
    sac development in angiosperms. arrange them in
    correct order and select the correct option.

(a) V → I → IV → II → III → VII → VI → VIII
(b) VIII → V → II → IV → III → VII → VI → I
(c) I → II → IV → V → VIII → III → VII → VI
(d) VIII → I → V → II → IV → III → VI → VII

  1. The given figure illustrates monthly changes in the
    human ovary during the reproductive cycle.

Which of the following statements most accurately
describes each structure?

(a) Before puberty, the oocyte a does not start the
process of meiosis.
(b) The hormone produced by structure B causes
thinning of the uterine cervical mucus to allow
passage of sperms.
(c) During ovulation, structure c stays at the interphase
between meiosis I and meiosis II.
(d) The hormone produced by structure D stimulates
the pituitary gland to secrete luteinizing hormone.

  1. The main function of the fimbriae of the Fallopian tube
    in females is to
    (a) release ovum from the Graafian follicle
    (b) make necessary changes in the endometrium for
    (c) help in the development of corpus luteum
    (d) help in the collection of the ovum after ovulation.

  2. The graph below shows the relationships of per capita
    population growth rate (r), fecundity (f) and age at first
    reproduction (a) in an animal species.

What is the most important conclusion to be drawn from
the graph?
(a) The later the age of first reproduction, the lower is
the population growth rate achieved.
(b) The population growth rate decreases as first
reproduction is postponed to a later stage, regardless
of the fecundity.
(c) at any a, the higher the fecundity, the higher is the
population growth rate achieved.
(d) as the age at first reproduction is postponed
further, the benefits of increasing fecundity on
the population growth rate become progressively

  1. The foetal ejection reflex in humans triggers the release
    (a) oxytocin from foetal pituitary
    (b) human chorionic gonadotropin (hcG) from placenta
    (c) human placental lactogen (hPL) from placenta
    (d) oxytocin from maternal pituitary.

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