
(Nora) #1

\q== 0 .. 0001 001

Now, p + q = 1

\ p = 0.99

So, the frequency of carriers of albinism in the population
i.e., 2pq, is

2 pq = 2 × 0.99 × 0.01

= 0.0198  0.02



pq= or 15 / 0

Thus, in the given population, 1 person in every 50
individuals would be carrier of albinism.

(i) In angiosperms, one of the male gametes fuses with
the egg cell to form the zygote (syngamy) and the other
male gamete fuses with the two polar nuclei to produce
a triploid primary endosperm nucleus (triple fusion). Since
two types of fusion, syngamy and triple fusion take place
in an embryo sac, the phenomenon is termed as double

(ii) L.S. of an endospermous monocot seed (maize grain) is
drawn as follows:

  1. (i) DNA molecule is a more stable genetic material than
    RNA because of the following reasons :
    (a) The 2′-OH group present at every nucleotide in RNA
    is a reactive group and makes RNA labile and easily
    (b) DNA is chemically less reactive and structurally more
    stable as its nucleotides are not exposed except
    when they are to express their effect.
    (c) Presence of thymine at the place of uracil also
    confers additional stability to DNA.
    (d) RNA mutates at a much faster rate and there is
    no repairing system whereas DNA is capable of
    undergoing slow mutations and has power of

(ii) “Unambiguous” means that one codon codes for only
one amino acid.
“Degenerate” means that the same amino acid is coded
by more than one codon.
“Universal” means that the same code would code for
same amino acid from bacteria to human.

  1. Natural selection is the process by which those organisms
    that are best suited for their environment survive and
    reproduce. One of the most striking examples which
    demonstrates the action of natural selection in the wild,
    is the case of peppered moth, Biston betularia that lives
    in all parts of England.
    Due to industrial smoke and soot, the pale tree trunks
    became more and more blackened. As a result, the light
    moths stood out in contrast to its background, increasing
    the possibility of being easily detected and eaten by their
    predators, such as birds, in much greater number than
    the dark melanic variety. Decrease in the number of
    light moths and increase in the number of dark variety
    was the ultimate result. Therefore, evolution favoured
    the melanic moths to reproduce more successfully due
    to their adaptation to the polluted areas of England.
    Evolution of the darker form, in response to industrial
    pollution is known as industrial melanism.

  2. (i) Evolution is not a directed process in the sense of
    determinism. It is a stochastic process based on chance
    events in nature and chance mutations in the organisms.
    Anthropogenic actions also leads to evolution. For
    (a) Excess use of heribicides and pesticides has resulted
    in selection of resistant varieties.
    (b) Resistant varieties of microbes develop against
    which, antibiotics are applied.
    (ii) Differences between divergent and convergent evolution
    are given below :

Convergent evolution

  1. Origin of a variety of
    species from a common
    ancestral form.

Independent development of
similar form and features by
unrelated organisms usually
as an adaptation to similar

  1. Homologous organs
    result from divergent
    evolution e.g. evolution
    of pouched mammals.

Analogous organs result from
convergent evolution.
e.g. Similar streamlined body
form, fins in fish and whale.
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