
(Nora) #1

  1. The layer of the earth’s atmosphere that lies above the
    troposphere and extends to about 50 km above the earth’s
    surface. (12)

  2. A cluster of fruits formed from the unfused carpels of a single
    flower. (7)

  3. The act of moving from place to place. (10)

  4. The major blood vessel in higher vertebrates through which
    oxygenated blood leaves the heart from the left ventricle. (5)

  5. A Russian biologist, who discovered double fertilisation in
    plants in 1898. (9)

  6. A dorsoventral plane that extends down the long axis of the
    body, parallel to the median plane, dividing it into right and
    left parts. (8)

  7. The delicate membranous covering that forms the myelin
    sheath around the axons of peripheral nerves. (10)

  8. An iridium rich thin layer of clay deposited at the end of
    Cretaceous period which marks the beginning of Paleogene.

  9. A plant hormone that promotes root formation and suppresses
    lateral bud growth. (5)

  10. A case, covering or sheath, such as the outer covering of the
    cocoon of certain insects. (5)

  11. It is a characteristic action observed during short phases of
    paradoxical sleep, besides restlessness and dreaming. (3)


  1. The class of nonphotosynthetic fungi that resemble algae
    and reproduce by forming oospores, sometimes classified
    as protoctists. (9)

  2. Slender thigmotropic organs of many climbing plants.

  3. A distinct region of the body of an arthropod such as
    head, thorax or abdomen of an insect. (5)

  4. A polyhydric alcohol derived from mannose or fructose
    which is an important carbohydrate reserve in brown
    algae. (8)

  5. A plant stem that grows horizontally under or along the
    ground and often sends out roots and shoots. (7)

  6. A complex polysaccharide occurring in the cell walls of
    the brown algae. (5)

  7. A term used for nerve fibres or blood vessels that carry
    nerve impulses, blood etc from the outer regions of a
    body or organ towards its centre. (8)

  8. The lignified or fibrous protective covering of a seed
    that develops from the integuments of the ovule after
    fertilisation. (5)

  9. A food rich layer of cells around a group of spore mother cells
    in vascular plants. (7)

  10. The position or status of a taxon in a classification hierarchy.

  11. Any enzyme that catalyses oxidation-reduction reactions that
    involve the transfer of electrons to molecular oxygen. (7)

  12. The substance secreted by sebaceous glands onto the surface
    of the skin. (5)

  13. A conical chamber in the kidney into which urine drains from
    kidney tubules before passing to the ureter. (6)

  14. An organism which is at haploid stage of its life cycle. (7)

  15. Describing a body of water e.g., lake with an abundant supply
    of nutrients and a high rate of formation of organic matter by
    photosynthesis. (9)

  16. The mass of grains containing the male gametes of seed
    plants. (6)

  17. A type of muscle whose function is to pull a limb inwards,
    towards the body of an animal. (8)

  18. A passage through the lipid bilayers of adjacent plasma
    membrane which consists of hexagonally packed tubes and
    mediates the transfer of small molecules or ions between
    interacting cells. (5)

  19. Sexual reproduction involving the production and fusion of
    gametes that are similar in size and structure. (7)

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