Biology today

(Grace) #1
•    New nucleolus is formed. The astral rays and spindle fibres
disintegrate and disappear. The two daughter nuclei, each
containing haploid number of chromosomes are formed.
• The end of telophase-I marks the end of karyokinesis-I also.
Karyokinesis - I may be followed by cytokinesis-I.



Aster disappear

Nuclear membrane


• It is metabolic stage between telophase of meiosis I and
prophase of meiosis II.
• Protein and RNA synthesis may occur.
• Centrosomes or centriole pairs undergo replication in animal
cells. There is no DNA synthesis. It is short lived and
important to bring true haploidy in daughter cells.

meioSiS – ii
• It is called homotypic or equational division, because it
maintains the number of chromosomes produced at the end
of reduction division.
• It is similar to mitosis, despite it is not mitosis, due to the
following differences :

Meiosis II Mitosis

  1. It always occurs in haploid cells
    and is shorter than mitosis.

It occurs in diploid

  1. It is not preceded by DNA

It is preceded by
DNA replication.

  1. Due to crossing over, two
    chromatids of a chromosome are

Two chromatids of
a chromosome are

•    Meiosis II is divisible into prophase II, metaphase II,
anaphase II and telophase II.

Prophase - ii
• It is very short stage, occurs simultaneously in nuclei
formed from meiosis - I.
• In animal cells, the centriole pairs develop asters and move
to the regions of future spindle poles.
• The dyad chromosomes shorten a little and nucleolus and
nuclear envelope degenerate.

•    In case where telophase I is omitted, the prophase II is
completely absent.

• The chromosomes arrange themselves at equatorial plate.
• achromatic bipolar fibrous spindles is formed which is in the
areas of dividing nuclei.
• Spindles are amphiastral in case of animal cells and
anastral in case of plant cells.
• each chromosome gets connected with both the spindle
poles by means of chromosome fibres or tractile fibrils
that develop from both the surfaces of its centromere.

• The two chromatids of a chromosome separate completely
and move towards the spindle poles along the path of their
fibres or tractile fibrils.
• The centromere of each chromosome divides into two.

• at the end of anaphase II, four groups of chromosomes are
produced, each group having haploid number.
• each of these haploid groups get enclosed by a nuclear
envelope. Nucleolus also reappears.

• Cytokinesis followed by meiosis II, resulting in the formation
of tetrad i.e., four haploid daughter cells. Cytokinesis can
be of two types, successive and simultaneous.
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