Biology today

(Grace) #1
Fig.:Meiosis inLilium grandiflorum(Lily)

Interphase Leptotene Zygotene Pachytene

Diplotene Diakinesis Metaphase I (side) Metaphase I (polar)

Anaphase-I Telophase-I Prophase-II Metaphase-II

Anaphase-II Telophase-II Tetrad Microspore

Table : Formulae chart

  1. Number of mitotic divisions for
    the formation of n number of
    example : for getting 100 cells 99
    mitotic divisions are required.

n – 1

  1. Number of generations (n) of
    mitosis for producing ‘x’ cells

x = 2n

  1. Number of meiosis for the
    formation of ‘n’ seeds/grains/

n + n

Significance of meioSiS

  • Meiosis is essential for formation of gametes and
    maintenance of chromosome number in sexually
    reproducing organisms. Gametes are produced by
    meiosis and have half the number of chromosomes.
    It is essential to maintain species specific number
    of chromosomes. Since the chromosome number
    becomes double after fertilisation.

    • In meiosis paternal and maternal chromosomes assort
      independently that causes reshuffling of chromosomes
      and the traits controlled by them.

    • Crossing over results in new combination of traits and
      produce variations. Variations serve as raw material for
      evolution of new species.

    • Details of meiosis are essentially similar in the majority
      of organisms showing their basic similarity and

eVentS common in mitoSiS anD

  • Similar types of changes in the nucleus and cytoplasm
    during both divisions.

  • The stages of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and
    telophase are common in both cell divisions.

  • formation of the asters and spindle during meiosis, as
    in mitosis.

  • The condensation of chromosomes during both

  • Structure and function of the kinetochore are same in
    both divisions.

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