Biology today

(Grace) #1
Table : Differences between Prototheria, Metatheria and Eutheria
Prototheria Theria
Metatheria Eutheria

  1. • Ear without pinna. • Ear with pinna. • Ear usually with pinna.

  2. • No nipples (mammae). • Nipples abdominal. • Nipples abdominal or thoracic.

  3. • No corpus callosum. • Corpus callosum feebly developed
    or absent.

•    Corpus callosum present.

  1. • Testes abdominal, no scrotum. • Scrotum in front of penis. • Scrotum behind penis.

  2. • Digestive and urinogenital tracts
    open out through cloaca and
    cloacal aperture.

•    Digestive and urinogenital tracts
open out by separate apertures
that are controlled by a common
sphincter muscle.

•    Digestive and urinogenital tracts
open out by separate apertures,
each with its own sphincter

  1. • No marsupial pouch. • Marsupial pouch often present. • No marsupial pouch.

  2. • Oviparous. • Viviparous. • Viviparous.

  3. • No placenta. • Placenta small, intrauterine
    development brief, young
    extremely small and helpless,
    brought up in marsupial pouch, if

•    Placenta large, intrauterine
development prolonged, young
advanced and fully formed.

  1. • Examples : Duck-billed platypus
    (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), Spiny
    anteater (Tachyglossus )

•    Examples : Kangaroo (Macropus),
Opossum (Didelphis).

•    Examples : Rat (Rattus),
Horse (Equus).

  1. Describe briefly how mammals have originated.

  2. What are the physiological adaptations that helped mammals to be successful?

• He recognised 18 living and 14 extinct orders of
mammals. For the purpose of this text, we shall refer to
only 18 living orders of mammals which were first divided

into 2 subclasses: Prototheria and Theria. Theria were
further divided into 2 infraclasses: Metatheria and

C : Citric acid
C : Cis aconitic acid
I : Isocitric acid
o : Oxalosuccinic acid
K : a-Ketoglutaric acid

S : Succinyl CoA
S : Succinic acid
F : Fumaric acid
M : Malic acid
O : Oxaloacetic acid

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