Biology today

(Grace) #1

Table : important examples of mammals

Scientific name Common

important notes


  1. Tachyglossus or


•    It is found throughout Australia and Tasmania.
• The body is covered with strong pointed spines (modified hair).
• Feet are without webs.
• Teeth are absent in adult.
• Male Echidna also has a hollow tarsal (horny) spur on each hind leg connected
to a poison gland in the thigh.
• Female Echidna usually lays only one egg. Male Echidna also has mammary
glands secreting milk to feed the young. This condition is known as
gynaecomastism. Teats are absent.
• Spiny anteater can roll itself into a ball to surprise the attacker.

  1. Ornithorhynchus Duck-billed

•    It is found in Australia, including Tasmania.
• It lays eggs in the nests.
• The beak or bill is broad and flat just like a duck, hence named as duck-billed
platypus. Both the webbed feet and flattened tail help in swimming.
• Pinnae are absent.
• Mammary glands are present, but nipples or teats are absent.
• Male can be distinguished from the female as the male has a poisonous spur on
each hindlimb. These spurs mark sexual dimorphism.

  1. Didelphis Opossum • Tree dwelling marsupials confined to America.
    • Body covered with a coarse fur.
    • Legs are much shorter, snout is elongated and large black eyes shine in its white
    • It is nocturnal, arboreal, omnivorous and very destructive.
    • When suddenly disturbed, it may froth at the mouth and feign death.
    • Their gestation period is the shortest for any mammal, 12 to 14 days only.

  2. Macropus Kangaroo • It is a native of Australia, Tasmania and neighbouring islands.
    • Female kangaroo has a marsupial pouch (marsupium) in which the immature
    young ones are fed by the mother.
    • Long thick stout tail makes a tripod with hindlimbs.
    • The leather of the kangaroo is water proof.
    • Usually a single offspring, immature, naked, about 3 cm long, is born. It is fed
    on milk inside the marsupium, enclosing teats of mammary glands, to complete
    development in about 4-6 months.
    • Kangaroos are mostly terrestrial, gregarious and herbivorous animals causing
    great harm to the growing crops. They are also hunted for flesh, fur and sport.

  3. Phascolarctos Koala • It is an arboreal marsupial, living and feeding on the eucalyptus forests of
    eastern Australia.
    • It has woolly fur, large ears, a soft pad on nose, rudimentary tail, cheek pouches
    and enlarged caecum.
    • The female first carries young in a posteriorly opening abdominal pouch, and
    later on her back.

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