Biology today

(Grace) #1

  1. Pan Chimpanzee • Chimpanzee lives in the rain forests of tropical West Africa. Chimpanzee is most
    intelligent of all apes and possesses high level of curiosity.
    • It is more nearly like man than any other living mammal.
    • It is easily tamed when young and trained to perform simple acts.
    • Body is upto 1.2 metres in height.
    • It lives on trees and on ground and is frugivorous.

  2. Gorilla Gorilla • Gorilla is the most powerful ape and the largest living primate, nomadic in the
    deep equatorial African forests of Cameron, Gabon and Congo.
    • Massive and strongly built body is 1.8 metres tall, 250 kg in weight, with large
    canines, arms longer than legs and big toe larger than the rest.
    • Gorilla gorilla is almost entirely terrestrial, ferocious and untamable, but more
    quiet and retiring than the chimpanzee.

  3. Rattus Rat • Rats are the most harmful and well-known rodent pests, living in holes and
    burrows in the houses and in cultivated fields all over the world.
    • They are very cunning, gregarious, nocturnal and prolific breeders.
    • They are host to ratfleas which carry the bacillus Pasteurella pestis causing
    bubonic plague in man.
    • White laboratory rat is an albino mutant of wild grey form.

  4. Mus musculus House

•    Common house mouse is a miniature replica of the house rat in general built
and appearance.
• It is also common throughout the world in association with man, and is active
mainly at night.

  1. Hystrix Porcupine • Old World porcupines from Africa and Asia are large, thickset and short-legged
    rodents having a short, non-prehensile tail.
    • Body and tail are covered dorsally with long, sharp, erectile black and white
    spines or quills for defense, in addition to coarse hair.
    • Porcupines do not attack by throwing their spines as generally believed.
    • It spends most of the day time in its burrow, but emerges at night to feed on crops,
    vegetables and plant roots. It produces grunting sounds like that of a pig.

  2. Cavia Guinea pig • It digs its own burrow or occupies deserted burrows of other animals.
    • It is crepuscular, vegetarian, coprophagus and easily domesticated.
    • Like white rats, guinea pigs are also used extensively for research.

  3. Oryctolagus

Rabbit •     It is cosmopolitan in distribution.
• It occurs in fields, grasslands and open woodlands.
• It is a fossorial, gregarious, herbivorous, crepuscular and coprophagus
• It is polygamous and parental care is present.

  1. Balaenoptera

Blue whale •     Whales are the largest animals in existence.
• They are the inhabitants of the open ocean. They are gregarious and
• It swims with the help of powerful tail and flippers (forelimbs).
• The skin lacks hair, except a few hair present on the lips.
• The skin does not have sweat and oil glands.
• Pinnae are not found in whale. Oil extracted from its blubber has great economic
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