Biology today

(Grace) #1

  1. Platanista


•    They are distributed in Ganges, Brahmputra, Indus and their larger tributaries.
• They do not enter the seas.
• Paired pectoral flippers (fins) are more or less triangular in shape.
• The dorsal fin is rudimentary and is seen as fleshy ridge.
• The sweat and oil glands have little value for aquatic mammals, therefore, they
are absent.

  1. Panthera leo Asiatic lion • Lions are found in Africa and India. In India they are now confined to the Gir
    Forest in Gujarat state.
    • They exhibit sexual dimorphism. Only males bear long hair (mane) around the
    • About 3 years old female is capable of giving rise to her first litter.
    • The period of gestation is about 116 days.
    • Male lion looks after the young ones and often gets food for them.
    • The life span of a lion is from 20 – 30 years.

  2. Panthera tigris Tiger • Tigers are found in India, China and Indonesia. They prefer the places with
    humid evergreen forests.
    • Tigers are good swimmers. They are striped and with short hair.
    • As in other carnivores the limbs are digitigrade.
    • Canine teeth are well formed and very useful in feeding.
    • Tiger is the national animal of India.

  3. Canis lupus Wolf • Wolves are restricted to the relatively uninhabited areas of N. hemisphere.
    • They have slender limbs and are generally good runners, moving on the tips of
    their toes (digitigrade).
    • They are great menace to stock raisers, killing calves and other young domestic

  4. Melursus Sloth bear • Bears are the largest carnivores, heavily built, with short powerful legs,
    plantigrade feet, short tails, and elongated snouts.
    • They feed on fruits, honey and insects, and can climb trees.

  5. Odobenus Walrus • The walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is found in Arctic waters.
    • The upper canines grow downwards, forming elongated tusks.
    • A thick layer of fat or blubber under skin insulates against the cold.
    • They breed once in three years for which they come on land.

  6. Phoca Seal • Like walrus, seals also possess streamlined, fish-like form, flipper-like limbs and
    strongly webbed feet adapted for swimming.
    • They are hunted for oil-yielding blubber and skin.

  7. Elephas Elephant • The largest living land animal.
    • The nose and upper lip are modified as an elongated proboscis (trunk or
    • Two upper incisors are modified as tusks.
    • An African elephant has the largest ears in the animal kingdom.
    • Females have smaller tusks than males.
    • Elephants use their tusks for defence and in feeding.
    • Elephants are the only animals with four knees.
    • They are the only animals that cannot jump.
    • Elephants are pachyderms (i.e., thick skinned).

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