Biology today

(Grace) #1

  1. Pick out the ancestral line of conifers from the list of plants
    given below :
    Seed ferns, Cycads, Herbaceous lycopods, Psilophyton,

  2. How can be the population density of tigers measured?

  3. What do you understand by monosporic type of development
    of embryo sac?

  4. How does intake of tobacco raises blood pressure?

  5. The egg of a normal animal contains 10 chromosomes, of
    which one is X chromosome. How many autosomes would
    be there in the karyotype of somatic cells of this animal?

  6. Why are the DNa fragments with sticky ends preferred over
    the DNa fragments with blunt ends to generate a chimeric
    DNa molecule?

  7. (a) The gene I that controls abO blood grouping in humans
    has three alleles Ia, Ib, and i. How many different genotypes
    and phenotypes are likely to be present in the human
    (b) What is the source of heroin? Mention its one effect on
    human body.

  8. Why the complete removal of gonads cannot be considered
    as a method of contraception?

  9. How is CuT different from LNG – 20?

Select two pairs from the following which exhibit convergent
evolution. Give reasons for your answer.
(a) Forelimbs of man and horse
(b) Wings of insects and birds
(c) Mouth parts of mosquito and cockroach
(d) Pectoral fins of sharks and flippers of dolphins

  1. Give two reasons to explain why there is more species
    biodiversity in tropical latitudes than in temperate ones.

  2. (a) In a pea plant, round and yellow seeds are dominant over
    wrinkled and green seeds. Work out the number of genotypes
    and phenotypes of a cross between a heterozygous pea plant
    and a homozygous dominant pea plant.
    (b) How do you relate dominance, codominance and incomplete
    dominance in the inheritance of characters?

  3. With the help of suitable graphs, illustrate how natural
    selection leads to directional change.

  4. Give reasons for the following:
    (a) Transcription and translation in bacteria are coupled.
    (b) DNa replication is discontinuous on the template strand
    with polarity 5′ → 3 ′.

  5. (a) How are amniocentesis and chorionic villi sampling
    (CVS) different from each other?
    (b) Where and why would the rate of succession be faster - in
    a newly created pond or a forest destroyed by forest fire?

(i) all questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper consists of five Sections a, b, C, D and e. Section a contains 5 questions of one mark each. Section b contains
5 questions of two marks each, Section C contains 12 questions of three marks each. Section D contains 1 question of VbQ type with
four marks and Section e contains 3 questions of five marks each.
(iii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the
three questions of 5 marks weightage. a student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
(iv) Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled.



21 stMarch

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Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70
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