Biology today

(Grace) #1

  1. There would be eighteen autosomes in the karyotype of this
    animal. This is because egg is haploid and if it contains nine
    autosomes and one sex chromosome then the diploid cells
    of individual will contain eighteen autosomes and a pair of
    sex chromosomes.

  2. Ligation of complimentary sticky ends is more efficient than
    the ligation of blunt ends, because complementary sticky
    ends can base pair with one another by hydrogen-bonding
    forming a relatively stable structure for the DNa ligase to act
    upon. Thus, DNa fragments with sticky ends are preferred
    over DNa fragments with blunt ends to generate a chimeric
    DNa molecule.

  3. (a) Six genotypes and four phenotypes are present in the
    human population, which are as follows :
    IA IA, IA i – blood group a
    IB IB, IB i – blood group b
    IA IB – blood group ab
    i i – blood group O.
    (b) The source of heroin is opium which is dried latex of unripe
    capsular fruit of Papaver somniferum. Heroin is a semisynthetic
    opiate formed from morphine (natural opiate) by acetylation.
    It is a depressant and slows down body functions.

  4. Complete removal of gonads cannot be considered as a
    contraceptive option because it will make the person infertile
    and will lead to the unavailability of certain hormones that
    are required for proper functioning of accessory reproductive

  5. CuT is copper releasing IuCD and LNG - 20 is hormone
    releasing IuCD. Cu ions released by CuT suppress sperm
    motility and fertilising capacity of sperms, whereas the
    hormones released by LNG-20 make the uterus unsuitable
    for implantation and the cervix hostile to the sperms.
    The two pairs of organs which show convergent evolution are:
    (b) Wings of insects and birds
    (d) Pectoral fins of sharks and flippers of dolphins
    Wings of insects and birds have different basic structure but
    have same function i.e., flying. Similarly, the basic structural
    plan of pectoral fins of sharks and flippers of dolphins is
    different but their function is same i.e., swimming. These
    organs are analogous organs which indicate a similar
    adaptation (flying and swimming) by unrelated groups
    through modification or evolution of different parts. Thus,
    they exhibit convergent evolution.

  6. Refer to answer 6, a and b page no. 408, `MTG Excel in Biology’.

  7. (a) a cross between a heterozygous pea plant with round
    and yellow seeds (rryy) and a homozygous dominant pea
    plant (rryy) is given as :



Ry rY ry

The number of genotypes is four and the number of
phenotypes is one i.e., round and yellow.
(b) Refer to answer 3, page no. 117, `MTG Excel in Biology’.

  1. When the natural selection favours small or large-sized
    individuals, more individuals of that type appear in next
    generation. Due to this, mean size of the population changes
    towards one particular direction. This change is referred to as
    directional selection and can be represented as :

Fig.:Directional selection





(b) (c)

  1. (a) In a prokaryotic (bacterial) cell, transcription and
    translation are coupled i.e., translation begins while the
    mrNa is still being synthesised. It is because of the absence
    of nucleus in a prokaryotic cell to separate the processes of
    transcription and translation. both these processes occur in
    the cytoplasm of a prokaryotic cell.
    (b) DNa polymerase can polymerise nucleotides only in 5′ → 3 ′
    direction on 3′→ 5 ′ strand because it adds them at the 3′
    end. On the DNa template strand with polarity 5′ → 3 ′,
    only a short segment of DNa strand can be built in 5′→ 3 ′
    direction due to exposure of a small stretch of template
    at one time. These short segments of DNa (called Okazaki
    fragments) are later joined by means of DNa ligase forming
    the lagging strand. Thus, DNa replication is discontinuous on
    the template strand with polarity 5′→ 3 ′.

  2. (a) In amniocentesis, a small amount of amniotic fluid
    is withdrawn by passing a syringe needle through the
    abdominal wall and uterine wall into the amniotic sac.
    In chorionic villi sampling (CVS), a catheter is inserted into
    the uterus through the mother's vagina and cervix (guided
    by ultrasound) to withdraw a small amount of foetal tissue
    from the placenta.
    (b) The rate of succession would be faster in a forest destroyed
    by forest fire. It is because a forest destroyed by forest fire is
    a secondarily barred area and has already built in soil organic
    matter. It is biologically fertile, so underground parts, some
    seed remnant species and invaders can give rise to new
    community as soon as conditions become favourable.

  3. (a) The part labelled 'X' is generative cell which divides
    mitotically to give rise to two male gametes either at the
    time of dehiscence or during germination of pollen grain.
    The two male gametes will take part in double fertilisation
    i.e., one will fuse with egg to form zygote and the other will
    fuse with secondary nucleus to form primary endosperm
    nucleus which gives rise to endosperm.
    (b) Oceans are low productivity ecosystems because in oceans,
    productivity is limited by light which decreases with
    increasing water depth.

  4. (a) The given figure represents subcutaneous implant.

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