Cell - 8 September 2016

(Amelia) #1

Figure S5. Extended Analysis of CLAMP inT. gondiiandP. falciparum, Related toFigure 6
(A) Localization of CLAMP After Invasion. CLAMP-mNeonGreen parasites were fixed following invasion. Extracellular parasites were stained for the surface
antigen SAG1 (red) prior to permeabilization. Arrowheads indicate puncta of mNeonGreen at the posterior of various parasites. Several sections have been
magnified to highlight the mNeonGreen localization in invaded (i. and ii.) and non-invaded (iii. and iv.) parasites.
(B and C) Generation and Testing of thePfCLAMP cKD. Diagram of the CLAMP locus for wild-type (wt) and conditional knockdown (cKD) parasites (B). Specific
primer pairs (P156/P157 and P158/P159) were used to test for the integration sites (C) and fully sequence them.
(D) Growth curves of theP. falciparumparental strain (left) or the cKD (right)±aTc. Means±SD for n = 3 technical replicates. This is an independent replicate of
the experiment shown inFigure 6N.

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