Cell - 8 September 2016

(Amelia) #1

Figure S4. Immunizations in GLHL121 and MutHGLL121 Mice, Related toFigures 2and 3
(A) Graphs show ELISAs performed with the serum (1/100 dilution) of GLHL121 and MutHGLL121 mice immunized 7 times with 10MUT as illustrated in the diagram
at the top. ELISAs against 10MUT/10MUT KO and wtBG505 SOSIP are shown in the upper and lower graphs respectively. The red asterisk indicates the time
point of analysis.
(B) ELISAs performed with the serum (1/100 dilution) of GLHL121 and MutHGLL121 mice immunized with 10MUT followed by a boost with wtBG505 as illustrated in
the diagram. Results of ELISAs against 10MUT/10MUT KO using the serum after the first immunization (left), and against 10MUT/10MUT KO (middle) and
wtBG505 SOSIP (right) using the serum after the second immunization. The red asterisks indicate the time points of analysis.
(C) ELISAs performed with the serum (1/100 dilution) of GLHL121 and MutHGLL121 naive mice or these immunized with the sequential protocol indicated. ELISAs
against the immunogens used at different steps of the immunization protocol are shown. VLC = 5 different native-like SOSIPs.
(legend continued on next page)

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