Cell - 8 September 2016

(Amelia) #1

Figure S2. Sequence and Characterization of BG505 Core-GT3.1 Nanoparticles, Related toFigure 1
(A) Sequences of the two genes co-transfected to produce BG505 core-GT3 nanoparticles (NPs). Co-transfection is 80% BG505 core GT3 60mer and 20%
LumSyn_1hqk_naked. In the BG505 core-GT3 60-mer gene, BG505 core-GT3 (blue) is fused to the lumazine synthase gene (red) via a flexible linker (cyan) as
(B) SECMALS analysis of BG505 core-GT3 NP.
(C) ELISA binding of mature VRC01 (black) or GLRev VRC01 (red) to BG505 core-GT3 NP.

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