Cell - 8 September 2016

(Amelia) #1

Figure S3. Electron Microscopy and Nile Red Staining, Related toFigure 3
(A) More electron microscopy pictures ofC. elegansintestine region afterhsp-6RNAi (scale bar = 2mm, Arrowheads indicate the lipid droplets).
(B) Electron microscopy pictures showeddve-1andhsf-1dependent lipid accumulation afterhsp-6RNAi (scale bar = 2mm, Arrowheads indicate the lipid
(C) Nile Red staining. L4 worms were treated with indicated RNAi for 48 hr before the Nile Red staining. HS; heat shock, worms were heat-treated at 34C for 2 hr,
then recovered at 20C for 48 hr before the staining. Worm sorter quantification is shown in the lower panel (mean±SD of three biological repeats, *p%0.05).

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