Cell - 8 September 2016

(Amelia) #1

All p values were calculated using log-rank analysis. For experiments using the COPAS biosorter for fluorescence quantification,
relative GFP fluorescence was normalized to extinction (thickness) and TOF. When required, YFP fluorescence contribution was
accounted for by determining the constant YFP contribution in the GFP channel reading in AM101 worms and removing it from
the total GFP reading of KB08 using the equations: G = (G’-kY’)/(1-ck) where Y = total of YFP protein, Y’ = YFP reading, c = constant
GFP value in worms without YFP, G = total GFP protein, G’ = GFP reading, and k = constant YFP value in worms without GFP. All
statistical analysis was done in PRISM 6.

e5 Cell 166 , 1553–1563.e1–e5, September 8, 2016

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