Cell - 8 September 2016

(Amelia) #1


We thank members of the A.A.H. lab for helpful discussions; Barbara Borgo-
novo (Chromatography Facility, MPI-CBG), David Drechsel, Regis Lemaitre,
and Martine Ruer (Protein Expression and Purification Facility, MPI-CBG) for
help with protein expression and purification; Bert Nitzsche and Britta
Schroth-Diez (Light Microscopy Facility, MPI-CBG) for help with light micro-
scopy; Julia Jarrells (Microarray Facility, MPI-CBG) for help with RNA prepara-
tions; Patrick Keller (Antibody Facility, MPI-CBG) and Anne Schwager for help
with producing anti-PGL-3 antibody; Pietro Incardona (Sbalzarini group, MPI-
CBG) for help with image analysis; David Murray (Zerial group, MPI-CBG) for
introduction to lipid coating of microscopy chambers; Dirk Walther (Mann
group, MPI-Biochemistry) for help with mass spectrometry; Andres Diaz
(A.A.H. group, MPI-CBG) for the micrograph in the graphical abstract. We
are grateful to Stephan Grill for support with optical tweezer-based experi-
ments; to Wolfgang Baumeister for support with cryo-EM experiments; to Mat-
thias Mann for support with mass spectrometry. We gratefully acknowledge
funding from the Alexander von Humboldt foundation (USA/1153678 STP to
S.S.), EMBO (ALTF 608-2013 to S.S. and ALTF 1131-2011 to J.M.), Human
Frontier Science Program (LT000685/2012-L to J.M.), Max Planck Research
Network in Synthetic Biology (MaxSynBio), and Max Planck Society. M.N.
and C.R.E. are supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG
EC369-2/3, EC369-3/1, and EC369-5/1); E.O.-N. is supported by a grant
from NIH (5R01GM104050). S.S. dedicates this work to his parents, Sukumar
Saha and Madhuchhanda Saha.

Received: May 18, 2016
Revised: July 21, 2016
Accepted: August 1, 2016
Published: September 1, 2016


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Cell 166 , 1572–1584, September 8, 2016 1583
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